Runyoro Rutooro Phrasebook – FOOD

Runyoro Rutooro Phrasebook – FOOD


Omusiri; garden emisiri (plural)
Omuheereza; waiter abaheereza(plural)
Omuguzi ;customer/buyer abaguzi(plural)
Esaano; flour esaano(plural)
Eiriho; thirst eiriho(plural)
Omushaija; man abashaija(plural)
Ecupa; bottle ecupa(plural)
Kyantsya ;breakfast kyantsya(plural)
Kyamushana ;lunch kyamushana(plural)
Kyakiro; supper kyakiro(plural)
Esafuriya ;saucepan esafuriya(plural)
Amaizi ;water amaizi(plural)
Omuriro; fire emiriro (plural)
Ekitookye; banana ebitookye(plural)
Ekitakuri sweet potato ebitakuri(plural)
Emondi ;irish potato emondi(plural)
Omukyeeri; rice omukyeeri(plural)
Muhogo; cassava muhogo(plural)
Ekitekyere; yam ebitekyere(plural)
Ekyozi; pumpkin ebyozi(plural)
Ekihimba; bean ebihimba(plural)
Orushaza ;pea obushaza
Ekinyobwa; ground nut ebinyoobwa(plural)
Ekicoori; maize ebicoori(plural)
Ekyenyanja; fish ebyenyanja(plural)
Oruro; millet oburo
Eihuri; egg amahuri(plural)
Omugati; bread emigaati (plural)
Doodo ;spinach doodo(plural)
Oruseeneene ;grasshopper enseeneene(plural)
Bogoya ;large sweet banana bogoya(plural)
Kabaragara; small sweet banana kabaragara(plural)
Omunekye; ripe banana eminekye (plural)
Obuhunga ;maize meal obuhunga(plural)
Orunyaanya; tomato enyaanya(plural)
Orutunguru; onion obutunguru
Omugusha ;sorghum emigusha (plural)
Karoti ;carrot karoti(plural)
Kabegi ;cabbage kabegi(plural)
Ekikoijo; sugar cane ebikoijo(plural)
Empoca ;soya bean empoca(plural)
Eshenda; red pepper eshenda(plural)
Enyama ;meat enyama(plural)
Enyama y’ente; beef Enyama y’ente(plural)
Enyama y’embuzi; goat’s meat Enyama y’embuzi(plural)
Enyama y’enkoko; chicken Enyama y’enkoko(plural)
Enyama y’entaama ;mutton Enyama y’entaama(plural)
Enyama y’empunu ;pork Enyama y’empunu(plural)
Enyama y’embaata; duck’s meat Enyama y’embaata(plural)
omwonyo; salt omyonyo(plural)
ekijuma ;fruit ebijuma(plural)
omuyembe; mango emiyembe (plural)
omucungwa ;orange emicungwa (plural)
akatunda; passion fruit obutunda ka-bu
enanaasi; pineapple enanaasi(plural)
vakedo; ovakedo (avocado?) vakedo(plural)
eipapaari; pawpaw amapapaari(plural)
ekifeneesi; jack fruit ebifeneesi(plural)
endimu; lemon endimu(plural)
eky’okunywa; a drink eby’okunywa(plural)
amate ;milk amate(plural)
obushera; porridge obushera(plural)
kyayi; tea kyayi(plural)
amaarwa; beer amaarwa(plural)
eshande; sweet banana juice eshande(plural)
obuhunga; maize porridge obuhunga(plural)
amajaani; tea leaves amajaani(plural)
kaahwa/kaawa; coffee drink kaahwa/kaawa(plural)
omwani ;coffee bean omwani(plural)
shukaari ;sugar shukaari(plural)
Meat (roasted); muchomo
Milk; Amate
Millet;Akaro/oruro ?
Millet drink;Obushera
Onion ;Orutunguru
Orange ;Omucungwa Emicungwa(plural)
Passion fruit ;Akatunda Obutunda(plural)
Paw paw ;eipapari amapapaari(plural)
red pepper;eshenda
Pea Orushaza Obushaza(plural)
Pineapple; enaanasi
Porridge; obushera
Potato (sweet);Ekitakuri Ebitakuri(plural)
Yam; ekitekyere ebitekyere(plural)
Potato (Irish); Emondi
Posho – maize ;Obuhunga
Pumpkin ;Ekyozi Ebyozi
Rice; omukyeeri
Salt ;omwonyo
Sorghum; Omugusha Emigusha(plural)
Soup (gravy); Omucuzi
Soya bean ;Empoca
Spinach; Doodo
Sugar; Shukaari
Sugar cane Ekikwijo/ekikoijo ebikoijo(plural)
Tea – black (dry);kyayi mukaru
Tea leaves; Amajaani
Tomato; Enyanya/orunyaanya enyaanya
Water; Amaizi (amaze)
Ku-za ;to go-to
Ku-gura ;to buy/to purchase
Ku-kunda ;to love/to like
Ku-rya ;to eat
Ku-taaha; to go home
Ku-ba ;to be
Ku-reeba ;to see
Ku-reeta; to bring
Ku-hinga; to cultivate/to do gardening
Ku-ronda; to look for
Ku-nywa; to drink
Ku-manyisa; to mean
Ku-gyendana; to go together
Ku-hereza; to give/assist
Ku-shaba; to ask for/to pray for
Ku-tumisa; to order for/to send for
Ku-yamba ;to help
Ku-gabura; to serve
Kw-enda; to want
Ku-teeka; to cook/to boil
Ku-banza; to do first
Ku-heza ;to finish
Ku-ta; to put
Ku-fundikira; to cover
Ku-mara ;to finish
Ku-riisa ;to eat with
Ku-tebeekanisa; to prepare
Kw-anga;to refuse/to hate
Kw-ija; to come
Ku-shanga; to find
Ku-nura ;to eat at/to eat in
Ku-nywera ;to drink at/to drink in
Ku-shiisha; to spoil
Ku-sinda ;to get drunk
Ninteeka; I am cooking
Nooteeka; you are cooking (singular)
Naateeka; he/she is cooking
Nituteeka; we are cooking
Nimuteeka; you are cooking
Nibateeka ;they are cooking
Breakfast; kyansya
Lunch; kyamushana
Supper; kyakiiro
waiter ;Omuheereza abaheereza(plural)
Delicious/good ;Nibirungi
Bad ;nikibi


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