MISCELLINEUS – Runyankore to English
Ngende; that I may go
Ogyende ;that you may go (singular)
Oreete; that you may bring (singular)
Mureete; that you may bring (pl)
Ntarya; that I many not eat
Otateera; that you may not beat (singular)
Atareeta ;that he/she may not bring
Batanywa ;that they may not drink
Ngyende?; Should I go (do you wish me to go?)
Tugure? ;Should we buy (do you wish us to buy?)
Bapime?; Should they measure (do you wish them to measure?)
Ntwenda baana bashome; we like children to read.
Ka ngyende; let me go
Ka tugarukeya; let us go back there
Ka nkuhe ;let me give you
Ka tugyende; let us go
Ninteeka; I am cooking
Nooteeka; you are cooking (singular)
Naateeka; he/she is cooking
Nituteeka; we are cooking
Nimuteeka; you are cooking
Nibateeka ;they are cooking
Kandi iwe nookunda kurya ki?;And what do you like to eat?
Ninyeenda ebitookye kandi ompe ehuuma.;I want bananas and give me a fork.
Naarya omukyeeri n’ebihimba.;He is eating rice and beans.
Kusiiba To spend the day
Naasiiba I’ve spent the day
Waasiiba He has spent the day
Twasiiba We have spent the day
Mwasiiba You have spent the day
Baasiiba They have spent the day
I was coming from teaching.;Naba ninduga kishomesa.
I was teaching.;Naba nishomesa
I was gardening (digging).;Naba nimpiinga.
I was planting.;Naba nimbyara (veg etc.)
I was planting greens (any vegetable);Naba nimbyara emboga.
I was hungry.; Naba nyine enjara.
I was eating.; Naba nindya
I was cooking ;Naba ntekyire
I was washing.; Naba ninyozya.
I was drinking tea.; Naba ninywa chai.
I am tired. ;Naruha. Nar U ha – soft h
I am hungry.; Nyine enjara (ninay)
I am going dancing. ;Ninza kuzina.
I am going to class.; Ninza Kushoma.
I am going to teach.; Ninza kushomesa.
I am going to do washing. ;Ninza kwozya.
I am going to sit.; Ninza kushutama.
I am going for lunch.; Ninza aha kymushana.
I am going to the computer room.;Ninza omu kyashengye kanyabwengye.
I ate too much.; Narya munonga. Or Narya byingii.
I ate too much matoke.; Narya ebitokye byingii.
Have you eaten?; Warire? (soft r)
Do you want to eat? ;Noyenda kurya?
What do you want to eat?;Noyenda kuryaki?
Washing; Okwozya
May I take your photograph?;Nkutere ekischushani or ekishani
Let’s go; Tugyende (tugendee)
Rain is coming;Enjura yazza kugwa
Rain has gone;Enjura yahwayo koogwa
Give me that book.;Mpa ekitabo ekyo
Give me the book.;Mpe ekitabo
I speak a little; Ningambamu kakye (Nin-gambamu kachi)
This food tastes good.; Ebyokurya ebi nibirungi. (run 1st 2 words together quickly)
I shall go. ;Ninza kugyenda.
I hope you feel better.;Nyinamatsko noza kubagye.
You will be better.;Noza kubagye.
Thank you for teaching me.;Webare kunshomesa.
Thank you for teaching us.;Webare kutshomesa.
I don’t know.;Tinkumanya.
Speak slowly.; Gamba mpora mpora.
Thank you for learning.; Webare kushoma.
We were… ;twaba
To go to ;Kuza
To buy/purchase ;Kugura
To love/to like; Kukunda
To eat ;kurya
To go home ;Kutaaha
To be; Kuba
To see ;Kureeba
To bring ;kureeta
To cultivate/do ;gardening Kuhinga
To look for ;Kuronda
To drink; Kunywa
To mean ;Kumanyisa
To go together; Kugyendana
To give/assist; Kuhereza
To ask for/to pray for ;Kushaba
To order/send for K;utumisa
To help ;Kuyamba
To serve ;Kugabura
To want ;Kwenda
To cook/boil; Kuteeka
To do first; Kubanza
To finish; Kuheza
To put ;Kuta
To cover ;kufundikira
To finish ;kumara
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