Author: aznimi

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – R

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – R


    rahi adv. where?
    raijaraija n. a part time job.
    -raingwa adj. long.
    reediyo n. radio: an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals. Etym: [].
    reero conj. then/so that.
    -ri- infix. singular class marker for words in the “li-ma” class.
    -riho adj. it is there.
    rimu adv. it’s there.
    ritaari n. altar: a holy table. Var: rutaari. Etym: [].
    -riya adv. the other one.
    rubaaga-empereka n. a big and long knife especially used in slaughtering.
    rubaba n. a name given to cows that have two breasts, the other two do not function.
    rubamba n. a bull with grey and white brown colour with white patches on the throat. Var: mbamba, kabamba.
    Rubambansi n. His magesty.
    rubanda n. an ancient hero like Methuselah.
    rubango n. one of the potatoe specie.
    rubaraasi n. a brown bull with house patches on the throat.
    rubarara adj. something very big.
    rubarura-ntojo n. thunder: the idiomatic name for thunder. See: ENKUBA.
    rubombo n. a medicinal plant that is very bitter. See: EKIBOMBO.
    rubosta n. coffee specie. See: OMWANI.
    Rubuga n. a king’s sister in Ankole.
    rubura n. rascal: a person especially a man who shows lack of respect for other people playing tricks on them.
    rucumu n. a controversial figure.
    Rucunya n. a shiny person.
    Rucwamihingo n. an achiever, a go- getter: one who does not wait. He or she gets results quickly.
    rufu n. death.
    ruga adv. to chase someone away from you or call someone in a commanding voice.
    rugaaju n. See: GAAJU.
    rugaaniira n. musical instrument: a seed tray used as a tambourine or rattle.
    rugaba n. God: the almighty.
    rugabire n. rubber sandals that are locally made out of car tyres.
    rugambwa n. a famous person known by many people because of his deeds.
    rugogoma adj. something very big.
    rugondo n. a bull or a male calf that has small white spots. Var: kagondo.
    rugongo n. flea: a very small jumping insect without wings that bite animals and sucks blood. rugosi ] n. a person who praises his manhood and talks in relation to his manhood. Rugumba n. a big and quiet man. rugungu n. See: AKAHIMBA. ruhaata n. an old monkey.
    ruhabo n. that where one goes when they have lost way.
    ruhamireeka n. finger millet specie.
    Ruhanga n. God: the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions.
    ruharaatwa n. one who plays about. ruhaya n. a male goat. See: EMPAYA. ruhega n. famine.
    ruhemba n. comet: a bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust.
    ruhembe n. See: ORUHEMBE.
    ruhembure n. hair dominated with grey hair.
    ruhenda n. a variety of millet which is hard to mingle.
    ruhenure n. abuses which include curses. ruhigura adj. rain: a very heavy rainfall. ruhiku n. goodluck: a person who has good luck. ruhima-rwa-ndongo n. a grasshopper specie.
    ruhombo n. mould: a fine soft green grey or black substance like fur that grows on old food or in objects that are left in warm or wet air.
    ruhondeeza n. a slow lazy person.
    ruhumba-ntuutu n. a person who eats everything that he/she comes across.
    ruhumbe n. a bull with a single horn. Var: kahembe.
    ruhuuga n. a bull with white forelegs. Var: mpuuga.
    ruhuura n. a grey bull with dull white spots. Var: kahuura.
    ruhuuzimu n. a cow with grey colour or black mixed with white or brown hair.
    rujuga n. Adam’s apple.
    rujumba n. a male goat with grey-black colour. Var: Njumba, kajumba.
    rujwa-mireju n. nasal bleeding.
    rukakaare n. weaverbird: Finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests.
    rukome n. a bull with horns moving forward and upwards. Var: kakome, nkome.
    rukomyo ] n. a traditional pot with four openings used by married women in prepration for intercourse.
    rukondo n. a bull with horns moving inwards and upwards.
    rukonko n. a very weak cow. rukooreera n. up in the sky. rukumi n. one thousand: 1000.
    rukundo n. love: a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody especially a member of your family or friend.
    rukungu n. a hornless bull. Var: nkungu.
    rukunu adj. a very poor family below the poverty line.
    rukunya-akatimba n. a name of a cow: this cow looks clean and shiny.
    rukura n. a banana disease that makes banana fingers dotted black and ripen before maturity.
    rukururana n. trailer: a truck that pulls a container which has wheels.
    rukuunya n. a person who works very slowly.
    rukuura n. a banana wilt disease that cause them to ripen when they are not grown enough.
    Rumwera n. a good cow, so beautiful that it cannot be rivalled.
    Runanisa n. a name given to a strong man. runcumite n. one who gossips. runkunku n. a habitual thief.
    runonko n. this is where herdsmen used to roast bananas and sweet potatoes from. Pl: runonko.
    runuuka n. a name given to a very poor person who cannot afford buying anything.
    runyabuza n. a big cow with very small horns.
    ruraka n. See: MAHUMAHU.
    rurangaanwa n. a famous person known by very many people because of his deeds.
    rurara n. sword: a weapon with long metal blade and handle used for cutting.
    rureebya n. a person who gives away secrets about their friends, country, etc.
    rurega n. a form of therapy: to boil water for cows to drink. In this hot water, they put in anthills and some herbs and boil. This medicine is put in the trough for cows and they drink it hot. The same therapy used to wash people with leprosy. The same therapy would also be used if a cow had got retained placenta.
    ruremba n. a bull with a white striped belly. Var: kiremba.
    rurembeezi n. a bull with no circles of hair and it is not used for paying bride price.
    ruriiya pron. that over there.
    Rurombya n. the one who weakens the other side.
    rusaaninga adj. a big bad fierce person or animal like a lion.
    rushagama1 n. red: the chromatic colour resembling the hue of blood.
    rushagama2 n. cancer-like disease that eats up one part of the body like a toe until it breaks off.
    rushamaitu n. See: KASHAMAITU.
    rushanda n. locust: a big flying insect from Asia and Africa that moves in very large groups, eating and destroying large quantities of plants. See: ENZIGYE.
    rushanjuura-mumiro n. a big chunk of food swallowed at ago.
    rushongoza n. very sharp tops of horns.
    rutaara n. See: KATAARA.
    rutaara-omwagaagyi n. a cow that is being caressed.
    rutaari n. See: RITAARI. Var: ritaari. rutahikwa-mutoozo n. a molar tooth. rutahikwa-mutozo1 n. a rebellious person who ignores advice.
    rutahikwa-mutozo2 n. a term used as an a buse. rutahikwa-mutozo3 n. a large burrowing beetle. rutakirwa n. the title of the King of Kigezi. rutamiisi n. a cassava specie that is poisonous when
    eaten raw or when it is not yet dry. rutangirira-bagyenyi phr. a lazy person. rutanyohoka n. a cautious person.
    Rutarendeza n. a weak and powerless person.
    Rutaromba n. one who perseveres.
    rutasanga n. (of cattle) to eat grass or drink water. rutasinziira adj. someone who is alert even in sleep. rutinda-ngyezi n. an idol in the Kinyankore traditon.
    rutyaza n. a wild tree with long thorns.
    ruuha adj. which one.
    ruyonza n. it is a he-goat with small white dots.
    ruzaaro n. See: ORUZAARO.
    ruzimure n. sorghum porridge made from a certain specie of sorghum; it is made by the Bakiga and Banyankore. Ref: ENKUMB
    rwabwamba n. an item used in devination.
    rwagati n. middle: the part of something that is at an equal distance from all sides.
    rwaheeru int. God forbid.
    rwaiguuga adj. a word used to refer to something very big or huge.
    rwakibikindi n. See: KIBIKINDI. rwakipumpuru n. a serious cattle disease. rwamigongo n. a banana specie that has big and long banana fingers.
    rwango n. hatred: a strong feeling of dislike of somebody.
    rwanyamushanda n. See: ENJUBU.
    rwaranda n. famine: lack of food fo a long period of time in an area.
    rwarwa n. alcohol: a local brew made out of yellow bananas.
    rwatamagufa n. a man with great physical strength, especially one who performs feats of strenght as a form of entertainment.
    rwebandira n. rebel. See: OMUHEEKYERA.
    rwebisingo n. compost pit for garbage collection.
    rwecunda n. a bore-hole: a hole or passage made by a drill; usually used to pump water from underground. See: NAIKONDO.
    rweganywa n. unbeatable person or system that you cannot fight and defeat.
    rweiguuga n. a very big thing. See: RWAIGUUGA.
    rwemereza n. it is a type of peas which has big white seeds.
    rwemereza-bagyenzi n. something which has yielded highly.
    rweziringa1 n. thorn apple. rweziringa2 n. a slow person. rwiba-mutima n. death.
    rwigura-mumiro adj. the first thing you eat before eating anything.
    rwinika n. a cow with big horns facing forwards.
    rwitabataaruuzi n. a period in the evening around 7.00pm.
    rwo adj. possessive adjective.
    ryari adv. when.

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – J

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – J


    juba adv. hastly, quickly or in a short time

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – N

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – N


    n n. one of the letters of the Roman Alphabet.
    na conj. and: used to connect characters, symbols, words, clauses or sentences that are to be taken jointly. Naayeta omwana na nyina. I have called the child and her mother.
    nabi n. a prophet: a person who foretells, forecasts or predicts what is going to happen. Banabi bakaranga okwija kwa Yesu Kristo. The prophets announced the coming of Jesus Christ. See: OMURANGI. Pl: baanabi.
    nabwo conj. even though. Nabwo ninza kwija n’obu otaanyeta. Even though you did not call me, I will come.
    n’ahabw’ekyo conj. therefore: a logical way to introduce something that has just been mentioned. Akagira ngu naaba atariyo n’ahabw’ekyo tindikuzayo. She told me she will not be there, therefore I am not going there.
    naikondo n. borehole: a deep narrow hole in the ground made mainly to get water. Bakashashura esente nyingi z’okwombeka naikondo. They paid a lot of money for the construction of the bore hole.
    nainga conj. or: used to link alternatives. Nyekyakare nimbaasa kwija nainga ntaija. Tomorrow I might come or not.
    nairooni n. cloth: nylon. Etym: []. naiwe pron. you too. Ija naiwe. You too come. nangwa conj. not even.
    ndagara int. an exclamatory expression.
    nda-nda-nda adj. extremely hard.
    nderera n. a variety of sweet potatoes with sticky sap and yields well within three months and after that period, it begins to rot.
    ndi phr. I am.
    -ndi adj. the reference to the rest of the things.
    ndikaitwa int. a word used to show affection and love.
    ndori int. the sound made by a stone when it falls in water.
    nende n. a brown cow.
    n’enki pron. what is it? used to indicate thatsomething is quite the opposite of what is being specified.; Used to indicate that something hs quite tha opposite of what is being specified. Omrishi akamureeba. Ngaaha! Did you see the lady? No! Tlt Var: Tbw. Etym: Xsc. Ahimbisibwe Daisy
    nfundo n. a person who has short and fat legs.
    nfuruuto n. a pet name for women with stretch marks as a sign of beauty.
    nga maawe int. an expression used to say no in a polite way.
    ngabira-abanyaata n. large pockets on a man’s trousers. Usage: slang.
    ngabo n. a cow with large white and black or white and brown patches all over the body.
    ngabusha int. no.
    -ngahe suffix. how many. e.g. bangahe(people), bingahe (things), etc.
    ngambanyenka n. dictator: a person who does things alone and rejects other people’s advice.
    ngarama n. a potatoe variety that grows in swamps and is very big.
    ngaro z’abakama phr. fungi: a poisonous mushroom.
    ngino y’abahima n. a type of maizi where the cob is purplish close to black and it lookes like black gums.
    ngoobe n. brown cow with white patches on the neck. Var: engoobe.
    ngu conj. that.
    ngugu adj. here he or she is.
    ngugwo adj. there he is.
    nguri adj. he or she is over there. nguriya adj. that one over there. ngurorushwero n. bean variety. nibwo pron. that is when.
    nibyo pron. they are the ones. niinye pron. I am the one. nikwo pron. in that way. nikyo adj. that is the one.
    nimarungi int. (greeting) I am fine, or we are alright.
    nimwo pron. that is where (referring to inside aninkahoorwe nyabo place).
    ninkahoorwe phr. a statement or a word of swearing. Usage: Kiga.
    nitwo pron. diminutive: referring to things which are small in size or quantity.
    niwe pron. it is him.
    niyo pron. it is the one. niyo pron. that is the place. njagu n. a cow with cut ears.
    njeru n. a cow which is grey in colour.
    njeru ya buremba n. one of king’s drums in Ankole.
    njeru-eyera adj. a grey and white cow.
    njororo adj. a sound produced when pouring liquids down especially when urinating.
    njumba n. a grey-black nanny.
    nkaija-na-mbaguta n. a type of eucalyptus tree that is hard.
    nkana adv. doing something deliberately. Naamutuma kutaha amaizi yaayanga nkana. I have sent him to fetch water but he has deliberately refused.
    nkara n. a cow with a black and brown colour.
    nkira-zoona n. tall fingure: the middle finger out of the five fingers of the hand which is longer than the rest.
    nkome n. a cow with horns facing forward. nkondo n. a cow with short horns facing forwards. Nkore n. a name that combined the counties of
    Kashaari, Isingiro, Nyabushozi and Rwampara.
    nkorongo n. a cow with twisted horns.
    nkumbi n. a black goat.
    nkumuunye n. chancroid: a human infection that is sexually transimitted and attacks the sexual organs. If not treated early, the parts affected fall off.
    nkungu n. a hornless animals especially cows and goats. Pl: nkungu.
    nkurugutu n. a sheep with no or very small ears.
    nkwerere n. off white: a colour that is not exactly white.
    nkweshumbire int. go away!
    nkyerengye n. a black and brown coloured cow.
    nobu conj. even if.
    nohiri n. Noel or christmas: a holiday celebrated by Christians as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus on December 25 every year.
    nooti n. zero. a numerical number which when added to any number, you remain with the same number.
    nseeri n. across from one side to another or the other side. Var: seeri.
    nseeri-mayanja n. Var: seeri-mayanja.
    nsha adj. the act of being empty handed or not possessing anything.
    nshaiga n. a cow with a very big patch from the neck to the tail and the legs, and brown patch from the back to the face and front legs.
    nshakama n. a cow with a white patch on the back.
    nshamaitu n. a female cow with white spots on both sides of the waist, or neck. Var: kashamaitu, rushamaitu.
    nshanju n. seventy: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and seven and written as 70.
    nshara n. a cow with small and short loose horns falling downwards.
    nsheshera n. a sweet potato variety.
    nta adj. how: used as an interrogative word to mean in what way or manner or by what means; used to ask about the extent or degree of something. Ekyoma eki nkitemu nta? How should I insert this metal?
    ntaara n. a female cow with horns set apart at a wide angle.
    ntabangi n. a cow with mixed spots of white and black colour.
    ntabo-yaago n. alcoholic: a person who drinks too much alcohol and is addicted to it. Pl: ntabo-yaago.
    ntahi adj. an expression used to show that one does not approve of something.
    Ntare n. a name given to one of the kings in Ankole.
    ntega-akagyega n. a sweet potato variety with high yields.
    nti adv. like this: a word used to demostrate the way something was done.
    nturubure n. someone with no ears.
    ntyo conj. then: used as a filler.
    ntyo conj. empty handed: like that. Nkaija ntyo ntaine sente. I just came like that, without any money.
    nurinuri adv. very delicious: tasty food.
    nyaabura we phr. please: an expression used in polite request. Nyaabura oteebwa eki naakugambira. Please do not forget what I have told you.
    nyabayangwe n. velvet monkey: a primate that lives in trees and is a taboo to some tribes.
    nyabeene n. others like these: such people of that calibre.
    Nyabihekye n. April: the fourth month of the year.
    nyabingi n. a supernatural being who is worshipped by people, particularly a deity thought to control some part of nature.
    nyabitote n. a heavy downpour that leaves the place very wet.
    nyabo n. madam: a form of address to show respect to a female person.
    nyabucureera n. a humble person.
    nyabukye adj. someone or something that is very small.
    nyaburezi n. one of the traditional small gods or idols invoked in retribution.
    nyabwangu adj. a person who works or acts in an excessively hasty manner.
    nyabwekonora n. an edible banana variety.
    nyabwerundarunda n. a plant whose leaves fold when touched and after a few minutes it turns back to is original form or shape.
    nyaigyendwa adj. a highly traversed road. Nyaikoma n. April: the fourth month of the year. Nyairurwe n. July: the seventh month of the year. nyaishaija adj. a male person who possesses or has the qualities.
    nyakabara adj. proper: typical of something of or a true replica of something.
    nyakaju n. a chief’s small house: a guest room. Nyakanga n. August: the eighth month of the year. nyakashaija n. one of the traditional drums in the
    palace of the kingdom of Ankole.
    nyakatagara n. a tittle of the traditional doctor among the Banyoro. Pl: banyakatagara.
    nyakazaana n. name referring to a female slave.
    Nyakazaana ayerinza ogu araakore. A female slave procrastinates over chores she knows she must do.
    Nyakazigye n. a person born during the time of locusts.
    nyakibaka n. a weather condition where the sun has been hot and very bright.
    nyakibazi n. a tree whose bark is chewed to treat cough in human beings.
    nyakiinika n. a type of banana plant grown for food.
    nyakikoko n. a tree with an outer hard cover that is used to heal stomachache.
    nyakimwe n. the head of a colony of monkeys.
    nyakinyonyoozo n. Venus: the brightest celestial object after the sun and moon; morning star.
    nyakizooba n. name of historical famine.
    Nyakubaho n. Lord: the Almighty God.
    nyakufa n. the late: the deceased. See:OMUGYENZI; KARIBUTI. Pl: banyakufa.
    nyakumirwa n. a word used to curse enemies that they cease to exist in their midst.
    Nyakusinga n. See: NYAKUBAHO. nyakwegyendera n. See: NYAKUFA. nyakwenkuru n. See: NYOKWENKURU. nyakwera n. See: KYAKWERA.
    nyakwesikurira n. a person who does things andthey backfire.
    nyakwetakuriza n. See: NYAKWESIKURIRA.
    nyakyetengwa n. a very short banana type.
    nyamaarwa n. a tree with succulent fruits. Pl: nyamaarwa.
    nyamabondo n. a toad with a big stomach.
    nyamagoye n. albino: person with congenital white hair and pink skin.
    nyamashore n. (used in Buganda) Queen’s mother. nyamateeka n. fact: something that actually exists. nyamazima adj. a truthful person who says what is true and does not lie.
    nyambata adj. something extreme.
    nyampara n. foreman: a person who exercises control over laboures. Pl: banyampara. nyamugyendanootwe n. a snail that moves with its shell.
    nyamuhaibona n. shooting star: star that disappears as soon as it appears. See: EKIBONWOMWE.
    nyamuhanga n. the Creator.
    nyamujuni n. a sweet potato variety.
    nyamukangayo n. a person who returns promptly when sent on an errand.
    nyamukwikwi n. a tiny black insect that is normally found in gardens during evening hours especially in rainy seasons.
    nyamunegyere n. only one and nothing more. Ruhanga akoohereza omwana we omwe nyamunegyere kufeera abasiisi. God sent his only begotten son to die for sinners.
    nyamunjuuri n. wax bill: a grain eating bird.
    nyamuraingwa adj. a tall person in a specified group of people.
    nyamurunga n. bishop bird: a white bird with a black patch around its neck.
    nyamurungi n. a beautiful person (especially a woman).
    nyamutahatwa n. a calabash: a name given to a calabash that is small enough to be carried under the arm.
    nyamuteza n. a grave.
    nyamwari n. a small round insect that lives in dust.
    nyamwegyendaho n. a person who fends for himself with no one else to help him.
    nyamwenga n. See: EMPARAATA.
    nyamwingi adj. plenty, much, many. Akatunga ente nyamwingi aha bugyenyi bwe bw’okugaitwa. He got many cows on his wedding.
    nyang’abaribatyo n. a finger millet species.
    nyanga-ente n. a type of panga which has a pointed end.
    nyangye n. a locally made carpet on which witchdoctors treat their patients or the mat on which witch doctors practice their magic powers while offering services to their clients.
    nyankokora-itahigwa n. an obstinate person.
    nyankurukurumbi n. a star that shines 2 hours.
    nyantagambirwa n. ill-behaved or stubborn person who cannot heed to people’s advice.
    nyantahurira n. See: NYANTAGAMBIRWA.
    nyanzika adj. revengeful: keeping a grudge with an intention to hurt someone.
    nyarubombwa n. a grass species that grows in forests.
    nyaruju n. a big establishment or building e.g a church.
    nyarumaga n. a King’s drum.
    nyarumaga adj. a word used to refer to someone who cannot keep his/her word, and who is not consistent.
    nyaruntu n. a kind of rat that usually lives in potate gardens.
    nyarwefoora n. a plant that grows in swampy areas and is reddish-pink in colour. Erangi ei baasiiga enju baagiiha omuri nyarwefoora ei baajunga. The paint they put on the house was got from squeezing the reddish-pink plant got from the swamp.
    nyarwegye n. a mature pregnancy between seven and eight months, and about to be born.
    nyarwehindura n. a plant which, when cooked, its water turns red.
    nyarwehumbarika n. someone who pretends to behave in a particular way.
    nyarwehungura n. a plant species which is thorny.
    nyarwezambiza n. one who invites trouble to himself or herself.
    nyarwino n. a red ant: a mature red ant with a very big head.
    Nyeikoma n. See: NYABIHEKYE.
    nyekiro adv. night: the time between sunset and sunrise. Ti kirungi kutambura nyekiro. It is not good to move at night.
    nyenka adv. me alone: refering to myself. Omu bugyenyi nkazayo nyenka. I went to the party alone.
    nyenkyakare adv. tomorrow: the day that follows or that is after today. Usage: Kiga.
    nyensya adv. Var: nyentsya. 1) far future: a period of time that is far from the day one is talking about. **2) the day after tomorrow.
    nyentsya adv. See: NYENSYA.
    nyina n. his or her mother: someone’s female parent. Nyinabo; nyinakyo; nyinago. Their mother; the owner of (a particular thing); the owner (of rice).
    nyina n. owner. Nyina n’omushaho. His mother is a nurse.
    nyinabangye n. my wife: a word used by someone to refer to his wife.
    nyin’abangye n. the mother of my children. See: MUK’ABANGYE.
    nyinabwengye n. 1) a woman who exhibits unique and extraordinary characteristics in what she does. **2) (usually used in Mothers’ Union) to refer to mothers.
    nyina-iguru n. God: the mother of heaven. See: RUHANGA.
    nyinakamanzi n. a sweat potato species. nyinamaka n. mother in the home. nyinamaniina n. a stingy person; not generous. See: MUKONOGAAMU.
    nyinamuku n. a grass species.
    nyinamwiru n. a legend about a woman with extraordinally features.
    nyinarumi n. See: NYOKOROMI. nyinazaara n. his or her mother-in-law. nyindo z’abaraaro n. a sweet potato species.
    nyine adv. 1) (used to indicate possession) I have. Nyine abaana bataano abaoojo babiri n’abaishiki bashatu. I have five children, two boys and three girls. **2) an expression used to mean “yes, I agree with you”.
    nyineeka n. master of the house or head of the family.
    nyinekiriga n. the rightful owner; the one who is in the know.
    nyinenda n. womb or uterus: a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females in which babies develop before they are born.
    nyinenkuru n. his or her grandmother. See: NYOKWENKURU.
    nyinento n. maternal aunt: his/her mother’s sister.
    nyinesaasi n. a type of sweet potato.
    -nyini adj. exactly: typical of something.
    nyoko n. your mother.
    nyokoromi n. your maternal uncle. See: MAARUMI. nyokozaara n. your mother-on-law. nyokwenkuru n. your grandmother. See: KAAKA. Var: nyakwenkuru, mawenkuru.
    nyokwenkuruza n. the mother of your grandmother.
    nyokwento n. See: MAAWENTO.
    nyomushana adv. the time when there is natural light between dawn and dusk.
    nyomwebazyo adv. yesterday: the day before today.
    nyonga n. cow that is black. See: KYOZI.
    nyowe pron. 1) me: first person singular pronoun. **2) I: pronoun used to refer to yourself.

  • PERSONAL FEELINGS – Runyankore to English

    PERSONAL FEELINGS – Runyankore to English

    Nyine enjara.; I am feeling hungry.
    Nyine eiriho. ;I am thirsty.
    Nyine ekyoya.; I am hot.
    Nyine embeho.; I am feeling cold.
    Ninterwa omutwe. ;I am feeling headache.
    Nindiibwa omunda. ;Stomach ache/pain
    Ninshaasha amaguru.; Pain in the legs.
    Ninyenda kwoga. ;I want to bathe/shower.
    Nyine oturo. ;I am feeling sleepy.
    Nimpurira nduhire. ;I am tired.
    Niinyenda kugwejegyera.; I want to sleep.
    Niinyenda kunywa amaarwa.; I want to drink beer/alcohol.
    Nimpurira ndikwenda kurwara./Nimpurira naarwara.;I am feeling sick.
    Nyine oruzengyerera.; I am feeling dizzy.
    Naiguta.; I am satisfied (with food).

  • MISCELLINEUS – Runyankore to English

    MISCELLINEUS – Runyankore to English

    Ngende; that I may go
    Ogyende ;that you may go (singular)
    Oreete; that you may bring (singular)
    Mureete; that you may bring (pl)
    Ntarya; that I many not eat
    Otateera; that you may not beat (singular)
    Atareeta ;that he/she may not bring
    Batanywa ;that they may not drink
    Ngyende?; Should I go (do you wish me to go?)
    Tugure? ;Should we buy (do you wish us to buy?)
    Bapime?; Should they measure (do you wish them to measure?)
    Ntwenda baana bashome; we like children to read.
    Ka ngyende; let me go
    Ka tugarukeya; let us go back there
    Ka nkuhe ;let me give you
    Ka tugyende; let us go
    Ninteeka; I am cooking
    Nooteeka; you are cooking (singular)
    Naateeka; he/she is cooking
    Nituteeka; we are cooking
    Nimuteeka; you are cooking
    Nibateeka ;they are cooking
    Kandi iwe nookunda kurya ki?;And what do you like to eat?
    Ninyeenda ebitookye kandi ompe ehuuma.;I want bananas and give me a fork.
    Naarya omukyeeri n’ebihimba.;He is eating rice and beans.
    Kusiiba To spend the day
    Naasiiba I’ve spent the day
    Waasiiba He has spent the day
    Twasiiba We have spent the day
    Mwasiiba You have spent the day
    Baasiiba They have spent the day
    I was coming from teaching.;Naba ninduga kishomesa.
    I was teaching.;Naba nishomesa
    I was gardening (digging).;Naba nimpiinga.
    I was planting.;Naba nimbyara (veg etc.)
    I was planting greens (any vegetable);Naba nimbyara emboga.
    I was hungry.; Naba nyine enjara.
    I was eating.; Naba nindya
    I was cooking ;Naba ntekyire
    I was washing.; Naba ninyozya.
    I was drinking tea.; Naba ninywa chai.
    I am tired. ;Naruha. Nar U ha – soft h
    I am hungry.; Nyine enjara (ninay)
    I am going dancing. ;Ninza kuzina.
    I am going to class.; Ninza Kushoma.
    I am going to teach.; Ninza kushomesa.
    I am going to do washing. ;Ninza kwozya.
    I am going to sit.; Ninza kushutama.
    I am going for lunch.; Ninza aha kymushana.
    I am going to the computer room.;Ninza omu kyashengye kanyabwengye.
    I ate too much.; Narya munonga. Or Narya byingii.
    I ate too much matoke.; Narya ebitokye byingii.
    Have you eaten?; Warire? (soft r)
    Do you want to eat? ;Noyenda kurya?
    What do you want to eat?;Noyenda kuryaki?
    Washing; Okwozya
    May I take your photograph?;Nkutere ekischushani or ekishani
    Let’s go; Tugyende (tugendee)
    Rain is coming;Enjura yazza kugwa
    Rain has gone;Enjura yahwayo koogwa
    Give me that book.;Mpa ekitabo ekyo
    Give me the book.;Mpe ekitabo
    I speak a little; Ningambamu kakye (Nin-gambamu kachi)
    This food tastes good.; Ebyokurya ebi nibirungi. (run 1st 2 words together quickly)
    I shall go. ;Ninza kugyenda.
    I hope you feel better.;Nyinamatsko noza kubagye.
    You will be better.;Noza kubagye.
    Thank you for teaching me.;Webare kunshomesa.
    Thank you for teaching us.;Webare kutshomesa.
    I don’t know.;Tinkumanya.
    Speak slowly.; Gamba mpora mpora.
    Thank you for learning.; Webare kushoma.
    We were… ;twaba
    To go to ;Kuza
    To buy/purchase ;Kugura
    To love/to like; Kukunda
    To eat ;kurya
    To go home ;Kutaaha
    To be; Kuba
    To see ;Kureeba
    To bring ;kureeta
    To cultivate/do ;gardening Kuhinga
    To look for ;Kuronda
    To drink; Kunywa
    To mean ;Kumanyisa
    To go together; Kugyendana
    To give/assist; Kuhereza
    To ask for/to pray for ;Kushaba
    To order/send for K;utumisa
    To help ;Kuyamba
    To serve ;Kugabura
    To want ;Kwenda
    To cook/boil; Kuteeka
    To do first; Kubanza
    To finish; Kuheza
    To put ;Kuta
    To cover ;kufundikira
    To finish ;kumara

  • FOOD – Runyankore to English

    FOOD – Runyankore to English

    Omusiri; garden emisiri (plural)
    Omuheereza; waiter abaheereza(plural)
    Omuguzi ;customer/buyer abaguzi(plural)
    Esaano; flour esaano(plural)
    Eiriho; thirst eiriho(plural)
    Omushaija; man abashaija(plural)
    Ecupa; bottle ecupa(plural)
    Kyantsya ;breakfast kyantsya(plural)
    Kyamushana ;lunch kyamushana(plural)
    Kyakiro; supper kyakiro(plural)
    Esafuriya ;saucepan esafuriya(plural)
    Amaizi ;water amaizi(plural)
    Omuriro; fire emiriro (plural)
    Ekitookye; banana ebitookye(plural)
    Ekitakuri sweet potato ebitakuri(plural)
    Emondi ;irish potato emondi(plural)
    Omukyeeri; rice omukyeeri(plural)
    Muhogo; cassava muhogo(plural)
    Ekitekyere; yam ebitekyere(plural)
    Ekyozi; pumpkin ebyozi(plural)
    Ekihimba; bean ebihimba(plural)
    Orushaza ;pea obushaza
    Ekinyobwa; ground nut ebinyoobwa(plural)
    Ekicoori; maize ebicoori(plural)
    Ekyenyanja; fish ebyenyanja(plural)
    Oruro; millet oburo
    Eihuri; egg amahuri(plural)
    Omugati; bread emigaati (plural)
    Doodo ;spinach doodo(plural)
    Oruseeneene ;grasshopper enseeneene(plural)
    Bogoya ;large sweet banana bogoya(plural)
    Kabaragara; small sweet banana kabaragara(plural)
    Omunekye; ripe banana eminekye (plural)
    Obuhunga ;maize meal obuhunga(plural)
    Orunyaanya; tomato enyaanya(plural)
    Orutunguru; onion obutunguru
    Omugusha ;sorghum emigusha (plural)
    Karoti ;carrot karoti(plural)
    Kabegi ;cabbage kabegi(plural)
    Ekikoijo; sugar cane ebikoijo(plural)
    Empoca ;soya bean empoca(plural)
    Eshenda; red pepper eshenda(plural)
    Enyama ;meat enyama(plural)
    Enyama y’ente; beef Enyama y’ente(plural)
    Enyama y’embuzi; goat’s meat Enyama y’embuzi(plural)
    Enyama y’enkoko; chicken Enyama y’enkoko(plural)
    Enyama y’entaama ;mutton Enyama y’entaama(plural)
    Enyama y’empunu ;pork Enyama y’empunu(plural)
    Enyama y’embaata; duck’s meat Enyama y’embaata(plural)
    omwonyo; salt omyonyo(plural)
    ekijuma ;fruit ebijuma(plural)
    omuyembe; mango emiyembe (plural)
    omucungwa ;orange emicungwa (plural)
    akatunda; passion fruit obutunda ka-bu
    enanaasi; pineapple enanaasi(plural)
    vakedo; ovakedo (avocado?) vakedo(plural)
    eipapaari; pawpaw amapapaari(plural)
    ekifeneesi; jack fruit ebifeneesi(plural)
    endimu; lemon endimu(plural)
    eky’okunywa; a drink eby’okunywa(plural)
    amate ;milk amate(plural)
    obushera; porridge obushera(plural)
    kyayi; tea kyayi(plural)
    amaarwa; beer amaarwa(plural)
    eshande; sweet banana juice eshande(plural)
    obuhunga; maize porridge obuhunga(plural)
    amajaani; tea leaves amajaani(plural)
    kaahwa/kaawa; coffee drink kaahwa/kaawa(plural)
    omwani ;coffee bean omwani(plural)
    shukaari ;sugar shukaari(plural)
    Meat (roasted); muchomo
    Milk; Amate
    Millet;Akaro/oruro ?
    Millet drink;Obushera
    Onion ;Orutunguru
    Orange ;Omucungwa Emicungwa(plural)
    Passion fruit ;Akatunda Obutunda(plural)
    Paw paw ;eipapari amapapaari(plural)
    red pepper;eshenda
    Pea Orushaza Obushaza(plural)
    Pineapple; enaanasi
    Porridge; obushera
    Potato (sweet);Ekitakuri Ebitakuri(plural)
    Yam; ekitekyere ebitekyere(plural)
    Potato (Irish); Emondi
    Posho – maize ;Obuhunga
    Pumpkin ;Ekyozi Ebyozi
    Rice; omukyeeri
    Salt ;omwonyo
    Sorghum; Omugusha Emigusha(plural)
    Soup (gravy); Omucuzi
    Soya bean ;Empoca
    Spinach; Doodo
    Sugar; Shukaari
    Sugar cane Ekikwijo/ekikoijo ebikoijo(plural)
    Tea – black (dry);kyayi mukaru
    Tea leaves; Amajaani
    Tomato; Enyanya/orunyaanya enyaanya
    Water; Amaizi (amaze)
    Ku-za ;to go-to
    Ku-gura ;to buy/to purchase
    Ku-kunda ;to love/to like
    Ku-rya ;to eat
    Ku-taaha; to go home
    Ku-ba ;to be
    Ku-reeba ;to see
    Ku-reeta; to bring
    Ku-hinga; to cultivate/to do gardening
    Ku-ronda; to look for
    Ku-nywa; to drink
    Ku-manyisa; to mean
    Ku-gyendana; to go together
    Ku-hereza; to give/assist
    Ku-shaba; to ask for/to pray for
    Ku-tumisa; to order for/to send for
    Ku-yamba ;to help
    Ku-gabura; to serve
    Kw-enda; to want
    Ku-teeka; to cook/to boil
    Ku-banza; to do first
    Ku-heza ;to finish
    Ku-ta; to put
    Ku-fundikira; to cover
    Ku-mara ;to finish
    Ku-riisa ;to eat with
    Ku-tebeekanisa; to prepare
    Kw-anga;to refuse/to hate
    Kw-ija; to come
    Ku-shanga; to find
    Ku-nura ;to eat at/to eat in
    Ku-nywera ;to drink at/to drink in
    Ku-shiisha; to spoil
    Ku-sinda ;to get drunk
    Ninteeka; I am cooking
    Nooteeka; you are cooking (singular)
    Naateeka; he/she is cooking
    Nituteeka; we are cooking
    Nimuteeka; you are cooking
    Nibateeka ;they are cooking
    Breakfast; kyansya
    Lunch; kyamushana
    Supper; kyakiiro
    waiter ;Omuheereza abaheereza(plural)
    Delicious/good ;Nibirungi
    Bad ;nikibi

  • NUMBERS – Runyankore to English

    NUMBERS – Runyankore to English

    11;ikumi nemwe
    12;ikumi nibiri
    13;ikumi nishatu
    14;ikumi nina
    15;ikumi nitaano
    16;ikumi namukaaga
    17;ikumi namushanju
    18;ikumi namunaana
    19;ikumi namwenda
    20;makumi abiri
    21;abiri nemwe
    22;abiri nibiri
    23;abiri nishatu
    24;abiri nina
    25;abiri nitaano
    26;abiri namukaaga
    27;abiri namushanju
    28;abiri namunaana
    29;abiri namwenda
    30;makumi ashatu
    31;ashatu nemwe
    32;ashatu nibiri
    33;ashatu nishatu
    34;ashatu nina
    35;ashatu nitaano
    36;ashatu namukaaga
    37;ashatu namushanju
    38;ashatu namunaana
    39;ashatu namwenda
    40;makumi ana or makumiana (makumyana)
    41;makumiana nemwe
    42;makumiana nibiri
    43;makumiana nishatu
    44;makumiana nina
    45;makumiana nitaano
    46;makumiana namukaaga
    47;makumiana namushanju
    48;makumiana namunaana
    49;makumiana namwenda
    50;makumi ataano
    51;ataano nemwe
    52;ataano nibiri
    53;ataano nishatu
    54;ataano nina
    55;ataano nitaano
    56;ataano namukaaga
    57;ataano namushanju
    58;ataano namunaana
    59;ataano namwenda
    61;nkaaga nemwe
    62;nkaaga nibiri
    63;nkaaga nishatu
    64;nkaaga nina
    65;nkaaga nitaano
    66;nkaaga namukaaga
    67;nkaaga namushanju
    68;nkaaga namunaana
    69;nkaaga namwenda
    71;nshanju nemwe
    72;nshanju nibiri
    73;nshanju nishatu
    74;nshanju nina
    75;nshanju nitaano
    76;nshanju namukaaga
    77;nshanju namushanju
    78;nshanju namunaan
    79;nshanju namwenda
    81;kinaana nemwe
    82;kinaana nibiri
    83;kinaana nishatu
    84;kinaana nina
    85;kinaana nitaano
    86;kinaana namukaaga
    87;kinaana namushanju
    88;kinaana namunaana
    89;kinaana namwenda
    91;kyenda nemwe
    92;kyenda nibiri
    93;kyenda nishatu
    94;kyenda nina
    95;kyenda nitaano
    96;kyenda namukaaga
    97;kyenda namushanju
    98;kyenda namunaana
    99;kyenda namwenda
    100; igana (or kikumi) (use igana for 100 only)
    150; igana ataano
    200; Bibiri
    250; Bibiri ataano
    251; Bibiri ataano nemwe
    300; bishatu
    350; bishatu ataano
    400; Bina
    450 ;Bina ataano
    500; Bitano
    550 ;Bitano ataano
    600; Rukaga
    650; Rukaga ataano
    700; Rushanju
    750; Rushanju ataano
    800; runana
    850; Runana ataano
    900; Rwenda
    950;Rwenda ataano
    1000; Rukumi
    1050; Rukumi ataano
    1100; Rukumi nakikumi
    1200; Rukumi nabibiri
    1300; Rukumi nabishatu
    1400; Rukumi nabina
    1500; Rukumi nabitano
    1600; Rukumi narukaaga
    1700; Rukumi narushanju
    1800; Rukumi narunana
    1900; Rukumi narwenda
    2000; Enkumibiri
    2500;Enkumibiri nabitano
    3000; Enkumishatu
    3500 ;Enkumishatu nabitano
    4000 ;Enkumina
    4500; Enkumina nabitano
    5000; Enkumitano
    5500 ;Enkumitano nabitano
    6000; Kakaga
    6500; Kakaga nabitano
    7000; Kashanju
    7500; Kashanju nabitano
    8000; Kanaana
    8500; Kanaana nabitano
    9000 ;Kenda
    9500; Kenda nabitano
    10000; omutwaro
    10500; Omutwaro nabitano
    11000; Omutwaro narukumi
    11500; Omutwaro rukumi nabitano
    12000; Omutwaro nenkumibiri
    12500; Omutwaro nenkumibiri nabitano
    13000; Omutwaro nenkumishatu
    13500; Omutwaro nenkumishatu nabitano
    14000; Omutwaro nenkumina
    14500; Omutwaro nenkumina nabitano
    15000; Omutwaro nenkumitano
    15500; Omutwaro nenkumitano nabitano
    16000; Omutwaro nakaaga?
    16500 ;Omutwaro nakaaga?
    17000; Omutwaro nakashanju
    17500; Omutwaro nakashanju nabitano
    18000 ;Omutwaro nakanaana
    18500 Omutwaro nakanaana nabitano
    19000; Omutwaro nakenda
    19500 Omutwaro nakenda nabitano
    20000; Emitwaro ebiri
    20500 ;Emitwaro ebiri nabitano
    21000 ;Emitwaro ebiri narukumi
    21500 ;Emitwaro ebiri narukumi nabitano
    22000 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkumi ibiri
    22500 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkumi ibiri nabitano
    23000 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkumi ishatu
    23500 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkumi ishatu nabitano
    24000 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkumi ina
    25000 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkumi itaano
    26000 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkumi nakakaga
    27000 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkumi nakashanju
    28000 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkuminakanaana
    29000 ;Emitwaro ebiri nenkumi nakenda
    30000 ;Emitwaro eshatu
    35000; Emitwaro eshatu necicweka
    40000; Emitwaro ena
    45000; Emitwaro ena necicweka
    50000; Emitwaro etano
    55000; Emitwaro etano necicweka
    60000; Emitwaro mukaaga
    65000; Emitwaro mukaaga necicweka
    70000 ;Emitwaro mushanju
    75000; Emitwaro mushanju necicweka
    80000; Emitwaro munaana
    85000; Emitwaro munaana necicweka
    90000; Emitwaro mwenda
    95000; Emitwaro mwenda necicweka
    100000; Emitwaro ikumi

  • MONTHS OF THE YEAR – Runyankore to English

    MONTHS OF THE YEAR – Runyankore to English

    January; Okw’okubanza
    February; Okwakabiri
    March; Okwakashatu
    April; Okwakana
    May; Okwakataano
    June; Okwamukaaga
    July ;Okwamushanju
    August; Okwamunaana
    September ;Okwamwenda
    October; Okwikumi
    November; Okw’ikumi na kumwe
    December; Okw’ikumi n’ebiri
    Yesterday I went to town.; Nyemwebazyo ngire omu town.
    I shall go to Kampala on Tuesday.;Ninza kuza Kampala aha Rwakabiri.
    Aha rwakabiri (run together as one word)
    I was born in February.; Nkazarwa omu kwakabiri.
    I shall pay you a visit in May.;Ninyiija kukutaayaayira omu Kwakataano.
    I shall go to America in August. ;Ninza kuza America omu Kwamunaana.
    I ate too much on Sunday.;Nkarya munonga aha Sande.
    Nkarya ;(past tense – not recently)
    I am going to have a holiday in May.;Ninza kuhuumura omu
    Kwakataano.;I am going to drive to
    Queen Elizabeth Park in April.;Ninza kuvuga QE Park omu Kwakana.
    I eat too much every Sunday.;Nindya munonga buri Sande.

  • BODY PARTS – Runyankore to English

    BODY PARTS – Runyankore to English

    Eishokye Amashokye(plural); Hair
    Oruju enju(plural) ;Grey hair
    Omutwe Emitwe(plural) ;Head
    Ahamaisho Ahamaisho(plural) ;Face
    Obuso Obuso(plural);Forehead
    Eriisho Amaisho(plural) ;Eye
    Enyindo Enyindo(plural) ;Nose
    Okutu Amatu(plural);Ear
    Bahungu Bahungu(plural);Eyebrow
    Obwonko Obwonko(plural);Brain
    Omunwa Eminwa(plural) ;Lip
    Akanwa Akanwa(plural) ;Mouth
    Eriino Amaino(plural) ;Tooth
    Orurimi Endimi(plural) ;Tongue
    Eitama Amatama(plural) ;Cheek
    Ekireju Ebireju(plural); Chin
    Enkomo Enkomo(plural);Back of head
    Ebitsya Ebitsya(plural) ;Neck
    Amaraka Amaraka(plural) ; Outer throat
    Omumiro Emimiro(plural) ;Inner throat
    Ekifuba Ebifuba(plural) ; Chest
    Eibega Amabega(plural) ;Shoulder
    Omukono emikono(plural);Arm
    Ekicweka Part; half; section Ebicweka Ki-bi
    Omubiri Body Emibiri Mu-mi
    Endwara Illness; disease Endwara n-n
    Spidi Speed Spidi n-n
    Omubazi Drug; medicine;
    Emibazi Mu-ba
    Eirwariro Hospital; clinic Amarwariro Ri-ma
    Amate Milk Amate n-n
    Omushaho Doctor Abashaho Mu-ba
    Miishani Mission Miishani n-n
    Omurwaire Patient Abarwaire Mu-ba
    Omuka Home; at home Omuka n-n
    Omuhanda Path; way; road Emihanda Mu-mi
    Embabazi Grace; kindness;
    Embabazi n-n
    Enkaito Shoe Enkaito n-n
    Embeho Cold; air; wind Embeho n-n
    Enjara Hunger; famine Enjara n-n
    Akatunda Passion fruit Obutunda Ka-bu
    Eiriho Thirst Eiriho n-n
    Amatsiko Hope Amatsiko n-n
    Ekyoya (nyine
    I am hot. Ekyoya n-n
    Oburofa Filth; dirt; dirty Oburofa n-n
    Oturo Sleepiness Oturo n-n
    Dokita Doctor Baadokita Mu-ba
    Naasi Nurse Baanaasi Mu-ba
    Eshagama Blood Eshagama n-n
    Ekikatu Injection Ebikatu Ki-bi
    Ebomba Syringe Ebomba n-n
    Empitirizo Needle Empitirizo n-n
    Omuringo Type; kind; sort Emiringo Mu-mi
    Omurundi Time; occasion Emirundi Mu-mi
    Egiraasi Glass Egiraasi n-n
    Amaizi Water Amaizi n-n
    Amaani Power; force;
    Amaani n-n
    Omugasho Use Emigasho Mu-mi
    Omuyaga Wind; air Emiyaga Mu-mi
    Oruzengyerera Dizziness Oruzengyerera n-n
    Omuheru End Emiheru Mu-mi
    Obusingye Peace; freedom Obusingye n-n
    Obuyonjo Clean; cleanliness;
    Obuyonjo n

  • GREETING – Runyankore to English

    GREETING – Runyankore to English

    Good morning – how are you? ;Oraire ota
    I’m fine.;Ndaire gye
    I’m fine.;Ndyaho
    Good morning, did you sleep well?;Oriregye?
    Did you sleep well?;Muriregye?
    Good afternoon – how are you?;Osiibirota
    I’m fine.;Nsibire gye
    How are all of you?;Musiibiremuta
    Good afternoon, are you okay?;Osiibire gye
    Good afternoon, how was the day?
    How are you? (good news?);Agandi
    I’m good. Good news.;nimarungi or nimarunj or ni gye
    How are all of you? A group – morning;Murire muta
    Fine;Turyaho or turiregye
    How are all of you? – afternoon – group of women or group of men;Mwasibamuta ba-nyabo na ba-sebo
    We are fine;Turyaho or tusiibiregye
    Ok, all right, same to you;Kare
    Well done;Webare oguwakora
    Thank you for the good work you are doing.;Webare omurimo (work) murungi (good);gworikukora/guwakora
    (you are doing.Have a safe journey.;Ogyendegye
    thank you;Webare
    Welcome back;Kurukayo
    Good to be back;narugayo
    After not seeing someone for a longish time – are you okay?;Buhoro? Buhorogye? Agandi?
    Fine. Fine. Fine.;Replies: mmm mmmm nimarungi
    What is your name?;eiziina ryawe oryoha?
    My name is……………;Iziina ryangye ni……..
    I am;ndi …………
    Goodbye to a group–afternoon;Musibegye
    Nice to see you (said by person arriving to the person already there);Nashemererwa okukushanga
    Nice to see you – more than one;Nashemererwa kubareba
    Nice to see you as well;Nitwe twakira
    Nice to see you here (singular);Nashemererwa kukureba
    Nice to see you as well;Ninye nakira
    See you tomorrow morning;Turebane nyenkyakare akasheshe
    See you tomorrow afternoon;Turebane nyenkyakare omwihangwe
    Nice to see you here –singular;Nashemererwa kukureba
    Nice to see you as well;Ninye nakira
    Have a good night;Oraregye
    Same to you;kare
    See you later;Turebane bwanyima
    Goodbye, keep well,enjoy the rest of the day(morning);Osiibegye