Runyankore to English Dictionary – R
rahi adv. where?
raijaraija n. a part time job.
-raingwa adj. long.
reediyo n. radio: an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals. Etym: [
reero conj. then/so that.
-ri- infix. singular class marker for words in the “li-ma” class.
-riho adj. it is there.
rimu adv. it’s there.
ritaari n. altar: a holy table. Var: rutaari. Etym: [
-riya adv. the other one.
rubaaga-empereka n. a big and long knife especially used in slaughtering.
rubaba n. a name given to cows that have two breasts, the other two do not function.
rubamba n. a bull with grey and white brown colour with white patches on the throat. Var: mbamba, kabamba.
Rubambansi n. His magesty.
rubanda n. an ancient hero like Methuselah.
rubango n. one of the potatoe specie.
rubaraasi n. a brown bull with house patches on the throat.
rubarara adj. something very big.
rubarura-ntojo n. thunder: the idiomatic name for thunder. See: ENKUBA.
rubombo n. a medicinal plant that is very bitter. See: EKIBOMBO.
rubosta n. coffee specie. See: OMWANI.
Rubuga n. a king’s sister in Ankole.
rubura n. rascal: a person especially a man who shows lack of respect for other people playing tricks on them.
rucumu n. a controversial figure.
Rucunya n. a shiny person.
Rucwamihingo n. an achiever, a go- getter: one who does not wait. He or she gets results quickly.
rufu n. death.
ruga adv. to chase someone away from you or call someone in a commanding voice.
rugaaju n. See: GAAJU.
rugaaniira n. musical instrument: a seed tray used as a tambourine or rattle.
rugaba n. God: the almighty.
rugabire n. rubber sandals that are locally made out of car tyres.
rugambwa n. a famous person known by many people because of his deeds.
rugogoma adj. something very big.
rugondo n. a bull or a male calf that has small white spots. Var: kagondo.
rugongo n. flea: a very small jumping insect without wings that bite animals and sucks blood. rugosi ] n. a person who praises his manhood and talks in relation to his manhood. Rugumba n. a big and quiet man. rugungu n. See: AKAHIMBA. ruhaata n. an old monkey.
ruhabo n. that where one goes when they have lost way.
ruhamireeka n. finger millet specie.
Ruhanga n. God: the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions.
ruharaatwa n. one who plays about. ruhaya n. a male goat. See: EMPAYA. ruhega n. famine.
ruhemba n. comet: a bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust.
ruhembe n. See: ORUHEMBE.
ruhembure n. hair dominated with grey hair.
ruhenda n. a variety of millet which is hard to mingle.
ruhenure n. abuses which include curses. ruhigura adj. rain: a very heavy rainfall. ruhiku n. goodluck: a person who has good luck. ruhima-rwa-ndongo n. a grasshopper specie.
ruhombo n. mould: a fine soft green grey or black substance like fur that grows on old food or in objects that are left in warm or wet air.
ruhondeeza n. a slow lazy person.
ruhumba-ntuutu n. a person who eats everything that he/she comes across.
ruhumbe n. a bull with a single horn. Var: kahembe.
ruhuuga n. a bull with white forelegs. Var: mpuuga.
ruhuura n. a grey bull with dull white spots. Var: kahuura.
ruhuuzimu n. a cow with grey colour or black mixed with white or brown hair.
rujuga n. Adam’s apple.
rujumba n. a male goat with grey-black colour. Var: Njumba, kajumba.
rujwa-mireju n. nasal bleeding.
rukakaare n. weaverbird: Finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests.
rukome n. a bull with horns moving forward and upwards. Var: kakome, nkome.
rukomyo ] n. a traditional pot with four openings used by married women in prepration for intercourse.
rukondo n. a bull with horns moving inwards and upwards.
rukonko n. a very weak cow. rukooreera n. up in the sky. rukumi n. one thousand: 1000.
rukundo n. love: a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody especially a member of your family or friend.
rukungu n. a hornless bull. Var: nkungu.
rukunu adj. a very poor family below the poverty line.
rukunya-akatimba n. a name of a cow: this cow looks clean and shiny.
rukura n. a banana disease that makes banana fingers dotted black and ripen before maturity.
rukururana n. trailer: a truck that pulls a container which has wheels.
rukuunya n. a person who works very slowly.
rukuura n. a banana wilt disease that cause them to ripen when they are not grown enough.
Rumwera n. a good cow, so beautiful that it cannot be rivalled.
Runanisa n. a name given to a strong man. runcumite n. one who gossips. runkunku n. a habitual thief.
runonko n. this is where herdsmen used to roast bananas and sweet potatoes from. Pl: runonko.
runuuka n. a name given to a very poor person who cannot afford buying anything.
runyabuza n. a big cow with very small horns.
ruraka n. See: MAHUMAHU.
rurangaanwa n. a famous person known by very many people because of his deeds.
rurara n. sword: a weapon with long metal blade and handle used for cutting.
rureebya n. a person who gives away secrets about their friends, country, etc.
rurega n. a form of therapy: to boil water for cows to drink. In this hot water, they put in anthills and some herbs and boil. This medicine is put in the trough for cows and they drink it hot. The same therapy used to wash people with leprosy. The same therapy would also be used if a cow had got retained placenta.
ruremba n. a bull with a white striped belly. Var: kiremba.
rurembeezi n. a bull with no circles of hair and it is not used for paying bride price.
ruriiya pron. that over there.
Rurombya n. the one who weakens the other side.
rusaaninga adj. a big bad fierce person or animal like a lion.
rushagama1 n. red: the chromatic colour resembling the hue of blood.
rushagama2 n. cancer-like disease that eats up one part of the body like a toe until it breaks off.
rushamaitu n. See: KASHAMAITU.
rushanda n. locust: a big flying insect from Asia and Africa that moves in very large groups, eating and destroying large quantities of plants. See: ENZIGYE.
rushanjuura-mumiro n. a big chunk of food swallowed at ago.
rushongoza n. very sharp tops of horns.
rutaara n. See: KATAARA.
rutaara-omwagaagyi n. a cow that is being caressed.
rutaari n. See: RITAARI. Var: ritaari. rutahikwa-mutoozo n. a molar tooth. rutahikwa-mutozo1 n. a rebellious person who ignores advice.
rutahikwa-mutozo2 n. a term used as an a buse. rutahikwa-mutozo3 n. a large burrowing beetle. rutakirwa n. the title of the King of Kigezi. rutamiisi n. a cassava specie that is poisonous when
eaten raw or when it is not yet dry. rutangirira-bagyenyi phr. a lazy person. rutanyohoka n. a cautious person.
Rutarendeza n. a weak and powerless person.
Rutaromba n. one who perseveres.
rutasanga n. (of cattle) to eat grass or drink water. rutasinziira adj. someone who is alert even in sleep. rutinda-ngyezi n. an idol in the Kinyankore traditon.
rutyaza n. a wild tree with long thorns.
ruuha adj. which one.
ruyonza n. it is a he-goat with small white dots.
ruzaaro n. See: ORUZAARO.
ruzimure n. sorghum porridge made from a certain specie of sorghum; it is made by the Bakiga and Banyankore. Ref: ENKUMB
rwabwamba n. an item used in devination.
rwagati n. middle: the part of something that is at an equal distance from all sides.
rwaheeru int. God forbid.
rwaiguuga adj. a word used to refer to something very big or huge.
rwakibikindi n. See: KIBIKINDI. rwakipumpuru n. a serious cattle disease. rwamigongo n. a banana specie that has big and long banana fingers.
rwango n. hatred: a strong feeling of dislike of somebody.
rwanyamushanda n. See: ENJUBU.
rwaranda n. famine: lack of food fo a long period of time in an area.
rwarwa n. alcohol: a local brew made out of yellow bananas.
rwatamagufa n. a man with great physical strength, especially one who performs feats of strenght as a form of entertainment.
rwebandira n. rebel. See: OMUHEEKYERA.
rwebisingo n. compost pit for garbage collection.
rwecunda n. a bore-hole: a hole or passage made by a drill; usually used to pump water from underground. See: NAIKONDO.
rweganywa n. unbeatable person or system that you cannot fight and defeat.
rweiguuga n. a very big thing. See: RWAIGUUGA.
rwemereza n. it is a type of peas which has big white seeds.
rwemereza-bagyenzi n. something which has yielded highly.
rweziringa1 n. thorn apple. rweziringa2 n. a slow person. rwiba-mutima n. death.
rwigura-mumiro adj. the first thing you eat before eating anything.
rwinika n. a cow with big horns facing forwards.
rwitabataaruuzi n. a period in the evening around 7.00pm.
rwo adj. possessive adjective.
ryari adv. when.