Author: aznimi

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – C

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – C


    c n. the third letter of the Roman alphabet.
    caai n. Etym: Swahili.
    cacaca n. sound made by footsteps.
    cakucaku n. a sound made when eating with an open mouth. Okurya cakucaku. Eating with an open mouth.
    canisi n. playing cards: a set of cards with numbers and pictures printed on one side which and used for playing various games. Etym: [].
    cee int. to keep quiet: to be silent. Ku baareebire omwegyesa boona baagira ngu cee. When they saw the teacher, they all became silent.
    ceeki n. cheque: a piece of printed paper that authorises a bank to pay a stated amount of money to someone from the drawer’s account. Etym: []. Pl: ceeki.
    chapati n. a flat round cake made out of wheat flour, water, salt, onions and oil. Etym: [].
    co int. used to express surprise, anger, happiness, etc. co! waaba ota shi? oh! what has happened to you? Usage: KG.
    coo int. a sound made by hunters when hunting.
    cooka n. Etym: []. 1) a type of soft substance used for writing or drawing on a blackboard. 2) a white substance used for painting walls.
    curi int. used to gesticulate putting one’s head down or being subdued.
    curucuru adv. See: CUUCUUCU.
    cuucuucu adv. an expression used to describe a very bad smell. Ahu barikunaga kasasiro nihanuuka cuucuucu! The place where they throw gabbage smells.
    cuucuucu adj. an expression used to describe a very dark. Nairagura cuucuucu. He is very dark.

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – E

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – E


    e n. a fifth letter of the Roman Alphabet, and one of the five vowels.
    ebaafu n. plastic basin: a circular open container used for bathing and washing clothes. Etym: [].
    ebaara n. bar: a room or a place with a counter where alcoholic drinks are bought and served. See: EINYWERO. Pl: amabaara.
    ebaayi n. fluffy: flowers from cotton grass commonly used to make traditional mattresses or pillows. Var: ebaaye, ebaaya, baaya.
    ebahaasa n. envelope: a flat paper bag used for sealing letters or documents.
    ebakuri n. dish or bowl: a circular open container used to serve sauce or food.
    ebaraafu n. a fridge, freezer or cooler.
    ebaraza n. Monday: the second day of the week, after Sunday.
    ebaruha n. letter: a written or printed message sent from one person to another usually in an envelope. Etym: []. Pl: amabaruha.
    ebeeseni n. basin. See: EBAAFU.
    ebeeyi n. price: exchange value of a commodity or service. Ebeeyi ya shukaari etembire. The price of sugar has gone up.
    ebendera n. a flag: a piece of cloth attached by one edge to a rope or pole and used as a symbol of a country’s sovereignity or organisation’s identity. Ebendera ya Uganda eine erangi ishatu. The Uganda flag has three colours. Var: bendera.
    ebi pro. these. Ebintu ebi, ebiro ebi. These things these days
    ebibago n. materials (reeds and ropes) used to erect the framework of the roof and the walls. Sing: ekibago.
    ebibaiziro n. wood shavings: thin slices or layers from wood after shaving. Ebibaiziro nibihemba gye omuriro. Wood shavings are good for making fire. Sing: ekibaiziro.
    ebibanga n. many houses in a row with a fence below them.
    ebibembe n. leprosy: a contageous disease that affects the skin, causing discorolation and lumps on the body.
    ebiboogi n. regurgitated milk that comes back to the mouth especislly in babies.
    ebibuuzo n. Sing: ekibuuzo. 1) examinations or tests. Nitutandika ebibuuzo Orwakataano. We are starting examinations on Friday.**2) questions.
    ebicaani n. campfire made for cows.
    ebicu n. clouds: white or grey mass of very small drops of water in the sky. Sing: ekicu.
    ebicukwe n. food that has too little salt or no salt in it. Emboga ezi n’ebicukwe. This sauce is saltless. See: EBINYIGA.
    ebicuncu n. See: EKICUNCU, ENTARE.
    ebicuraguzo n. young shoots of plants used to wash milk pots. Sing: ekicuraguzo.
    ebicurwe n. rubbish: a collection of waste material.
    ebicwanyagurika n. broken pieces. Ekikopo kyayatika kyarugamu ebicwanyagurika. The cup has broken into small pieces.
    ebifundikizo n. banana leaves used for covering food while cooking.
    ebigaaga n. a special variety of papyrus.
    ebigaaga n. bracelets, bangles that people wear.These are worn below the knees.
    ebigakirizi n. See: EBISENTE.
    ebigambira n. a certain type of majugo made of either copper or brass.
    ebigambo n. See: EKIGAMBO.
    ebigojo n. fat-wrinkles: layers of excessive fat that develop on one’s body.
    ebigyene n. something done excessively. Nkaba ntarikumanya ngu nookunda ogwo mwishiki ebyo bigyene. I did not know that you love that girl that much!
    ebihaatiro n. peelings: peelings taken from a fruit. Rundana ebihaatiro by’ebitookye tubihe embuzi. Collect all the banana peelings and we give them to the goat. Var: ebihaatira.
    ebihaburo n. pieces of advice. Sing: ekihaburo.
    ebihagi n. 1) presumptuous, arrogant and disrespectful behaviour, often transgressing the limits of what is permitted. **2) stubborness or intransigence. Omushaija ogwo aine ebihagi omupooriisi yaamuzibira kurabaho yaayanga yaagyenda. That man is stubborn; the policeman told him not go in but he went ahead anyway. ebihande n. grain particles that are not finely ground. ebihangirwe n. creatures: all things that were
    created. Ruhanga akahanga ebihangirwe bitarikushushana. God created different creatures. Var: ebyahangirwe. Sing: ekihangirwe.
    ebiharagato n. particles that are scrapped from a pot
    which has been used for cooking.
    ebihembo n. presents, rewards: something given as a reward. Tinka bamuhaire ebihembo ahabw’okusinga empaka z’okwiruka. Tinka was given a prize for winning the athletic competetion See: EBIRABO, EKICONCO. Sing: ekihembo.
    ebihera n. odd numbers. Itaano n’ekihera. Five is an
    odd number. Pl: ebihera.
    ebihimba n. beans. Var: ebihimbo. Sing: ekihimba.
    ebihimbo n. See: EKIHIMBA.
    ebihinzi n. mucus: slimy, sticky substance produced by mucus membranes in the nose.
    ebiho n. whispers: speaking quietly into somebody’s ears so that others do not hear. Baaba nibagambirana omu biho. They were talking in whispers. See: EBIHWEHWE.
    ebihonzi n. secretion from commonly the eyes seen in the morning especially when one has an eye problem. Sing: ekihonzi.
    ebihooya n. syphilis: a sexually transmitted disease that causes blisters on private parts and can lead to impotence in men if not treated.
    ebihungu n. convulsions: a disease that affects mainly the brain causing uncontrolled body movements. Omwana wangye naarwara ebihungu. My child suffers from convulsions.
    ebihurugutu n. ear wax: a brown, sticky substance found in a human ear.
    ebihwazi n. impaired vision. Bamuteire oruhi rw’amaisho yaareeba ebihwazi. They slapped him in the face and his vision was momentarily impaired.
    ebihwehwe n. whispers: saying something in a whisper so that other people cannot hear. See: EBIHO.
    ebiiga n. swellings on cattle hips.
    ebiino n. 1) big teeth. **2) “false teeth”- disease: a baby’s first molar buds misinterpreted by mothers as a sign of disease and often crudely extracted causing infection.
    ebijaburiro n. fomentations.
    ebijaga n. 1) animal disease that attacks the mouth and causes swellings. **2) mouth sores. Ref: EBINWANWA
    ebijanja n. mushrooms: edible fungus with a short stalk topped by an umbrella shaped cap and grows on tree trunks. Sing: ekijanja.
    ebijengo n. millet bread with excessive water.
    ebijengye n. 1) water-logged ground. Bakombeka enju aha bijengye yaagwa. They built a house on water logged ground and it collapsed. **2) millet prepared with a lot of water.
    ebijuju n. tsetseflies: flies that bite human beings and animals and spread sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in animals. Sing: ekijuju. ebijuju n. outer covering of a tree, often used tomake fire. Sing: ekijuju.
    ebijumeero n. vigour: strength or energy in doing something. Ebijumeero by’abeeshongozi bikaheisa omukoro ekitiinisa. The vigour of singers made the ceremony colourful.
    ebijunja n. fringes or tussels: fur that is mainly found around the neck of animals. See: EBIJWENGYE. Sing: ekijunja.
    ebijwengye n. fringes of thick hair on an animal especially dog, lion or horse. Embwa ye eine ebijwengye birikwera. His dog has a white fringe think hair.
    ebikaafiire adj. obsenities: words that are offensive or indecent.
    ebikaafiire n. words associated with private parts.
    ebikaca n. cow pox: an acute, highly infectious disease caused by a virus and characterised by hig fever and blisters. Akarwara ebikaca kumara emyaka mingi. He suffered from smallpox for many years.
    ebikamuuro n. residues after extracting juice from oranges, passion fruits mangoes etc.
    ebikangaga n. dry grass in a swamp.
    ebikanja n. dregs: residues after beer or porridge is prepared. Sing: ekikanja.
    ebikatsi n. residues from tea that are removed with a sieve. Var: ebikasi.
    ebikogoto n. scrapings from the millet bread mingling pot. Akakoresa ekiti okwiha ebikogoto omu nyungu. He used a stick to remove scrappings of millet bread from the cooking pot. Sing: ekikogoto.
    ebikonko n. stalks of maize or sorghum plants that remain in the garden after harvesting. Ebikonko by’ebicoori nibyarira gye orutookye. Maize stalks are good for mulching a banana plantation. Sing: ekikonko.
    ebikooko n. animals. See: ENYAMAISHWA.
    ebikoreso n. Sing: ekikoreso. 1) materials. **2) utensils. Eka yangye eine ebikoreso birikumara omu by’ekiyungu. My hone has enough kitchen utensils.
    ebikorogoto n. Sing: ekikorogoto. 1) dry papyrus reeds: dry stems of an acquatic sedge used to make carpets and roofings. Enju ye eshakaize ebikorogoto. His house is thatched with papyrus reeds. **2) papyrus stirrer.
    ebikorwa n. Sing: ekikorwa. 1) deeds, acts: goodor bad things one does. Ebikorwa bye bibi bikamutwara omu nkomo. His bad deeds led him to jail. See: EKIKORWA.
    ebikorwa n. (Catholic faith) divisions of a rosary.Sing: ekikorwa.
    ebikukumbwa n. pieces of grass that remain in the garden after has been prepared for sowing.
    ebikumbi n. chuff or husks that remain when grain is removed.
    ebikundukundu n. water impurities at the bottom of water in a container.
    ebikwatsi n. wild plant whose seeds stick on clothes and skins of animals when they come into contact with it. Embibo z’ebikwatsi nizijaanjazibwa abantu n’enyamaishwa. Var: ebikwasi. Sing: ekikwatsi.
    ebimiira n. mucus. See: EBIHINZI.
    ebiminyo n. blobs of fat in meat gravy.
    ebinana n. a general body weakness, caused by tiredness.
    ebindi pron. others: the rest. Bakagura kiro ibiri za sukaari reero ezindi zikaruga Kampala. They bought two kilograms of sugar and others came from Kampala.
    ebingonzi n. water waves.
    ebinika n. kettle, teaport: a container that is used for boiling or serving liquids, such as water or tea.
    ebinombe n. mines where minerals or sand are excavated.
    ebinuzi n. the white soft part at the bottom-end of a papyrus reed. Sing: ekinuzi.
    ebinwangari n. an abuse used to refer to people with large and wide lips.
    ebinwanwa n. 1) mouth disease: goat and sheep disease which attacks the mouth. Embuzi yangye ekarwara ebinwanwa yaaremwa kurya. My goat has a mounth disease and it cannot eat. **2) a disease in humans that attacks the mouth part and causes some swellings.
    ebinyaari n. semen: a colourless fluid ejaculated from a female reproductive organ. Var: amanyaari.
    ebinyaasi n. Usage: Kiga. See: EBINYAATSI.
    ebinyaatsi n. grass: any of the numerous plants characteristically with narrow leaves, jointed stems and spikes or clusters of membranous flowers borne in smaller spikelets. Omushana gwajwa mwingi ebinyatsi nibyoma. Grass dries up during the dry season. Var: ebinyaasi, ebinyansi. Sing: ekinyaatsi.
    ebinyaazi n. See: EKINYAAZI.
    ebinyandinga n. 1) old people with dipigmented skin. **2) healthy and good looking old women.
    ebinyangabo n. edible mushrooms. Ebinyangabo bimera aha kikungu. Edible mushrooms grow on an ant hill.
    ebinyansi n. Usage: Nkole. See: EBINYAATSI.
    ebinyeebwa n. See: EBINYOOBWA.
    ebinyenyero n. bracelets: ornamantal bracelets worn around the waist. Sing: ekinyenyero.
    ebinyiga n. saltless food or sauce.
    ebinyoga n. soft grases, tender and green; cows like eating them.
    ebinyomyo n. support, poles: usually used figuratively. Sing: ekinyomyo. Okweteera ebinyomyo phr. to console oneself.
    ebinyoobwa n. groundnuts: plants with compound leaves with fragrant brownish flowers and small edible tubers. Apios tuberosa. See: EKINYOOBWA. Var: ebinyeebwa. Sing: ekinyoobwa.
    ebinyoro n. syphilis or yaws: a venereal disease which spreads slowly from sexual organs to all parts of the body.
    ebinzaari n. curry powder: a fine mixture of strongly flavoured spices that is yellow used in cooking to give food an aroma. Ebinzaari nibireeta akahooho omu byokurya. Curry powder adds aroma to the food.
    ebiraato n. See: EBIRAATWA.
    ebiraatwa n. a pair of shoes. Ku yaagiire kutaaha omu nju yaabanza kujuura ebiraatwa. He removed his shoes when he was going to enter the house. Var: ebiraato. Sing: ekiraatwa.
    ebiragarikira n. See: OBURAGARIKIRA.
    ebirahure n. Var: ebirahuri. Sing:
    ekirahure. 1) spectacles. **2) glasses.
    ebirahuri n. See: EBIRAHURE. ebirego n. rumours. Sing: ekirego. ebireju n. beards. Sing: ekireju.
    ebirema-igamba n. tongue twisters: a phrase or
    sentence with many sounds that are difficult to say correctly when speaking quickly. Waaba otari mugambi murungi ebirema-igamba nibikubeera ekizibu. If you are not an elloquent speaker, tongue twisters can be a problem. Sing: ekirema-igamba.
    ebirembeero n. lyrics that are emotionaly
    exuberant. Sing: ekirembeero. ebirengye n. See: EKIRENGYE. ebirezi n. See: EKIREZI.ebiriga n. See: EKIRIGA.
    ebiriibwaruganda n. (usually abbreviated as ebiriibwa) cassava. Usage: slang. See: MUHOGO.
    ebiriibwaruganda n. clan secrets shared by a clan. Ebiribwaruganda tibimanywa b’aheeru. The secrets of a clan should not be known by other people. Usage: slang. Sing: ekiriibwaruganda.
    ebiriiko n. stoppers or plugs: objects that fit into something e.g. a bottle, and are used to close it. Akata ebiriiko bya pamba omu nyindo kuzibira eshagama kwija. He put cotton wool in the nose to stop his nose from bleeding. Sing: ekiriiko.
    ebirika n. glaciers: snow on top of mountains.
    ebirimbagirizo n. something that causes one to be perplexed or anxious.
    ebirimu n. contents: things that are contained in a receptacle or book.
    ebiro n. Sing: ekiro. 1) days of the week. **2) date. Nyenkyakare n’ebiro makumi ashatu by’okwamwenda. Tomorrow is the 30th of September.
    ebiroora n. See: EBIROORO.
    ebirooro n. a thick layer of impurities on top of water. Var: ebiroora.
    ebiroro n. a whitish substance secreted by the eyes. See: EBIHONZI.
    ebirungi adj. good things.
    ebirungo n. spices.
    ebirungye n. food: any food in which cow ghee is put.
    ebirwaniso n. weapons. See: EBIKWATO. Sing: ekirwaniso.
    ebisaaniiko n. See: EBIFUNDIKIZO. Sing: ekisaaniiko.
    ebisaasi n. honey comb: a waxy structure of cells made by bees for holding honey and eggs.
    ebisaasingo n. See: EBISINGO.
    ebisasi n. See: EKISASI.
    ebisasiro n. gabbage collected in a rubbish pit.
    ebiseereezo n. See: EKISEEREEZO.
    ebisente n. circular patches caused by a fungal disease that normally attacks the head. Omwana akarwaire ebisente omu mutwe. A child has a fungal disease all over the head. Sing: ekisente.
    ebisha n. labour pains. Sing: ekisha. ebishaju n. See: EKISHAJU. ebishanda n. See: EBISHANDURIRA.
    ebishandurira n. slimmy mucus like liquid excreted by an animal after it has given birth. Var: ebishanda.
    ebisheshengo n. nasal sinuses: air cells in bones of the nose and face. Sing: ekisheshengo. ebishesyambwa n. Usage: slang. See: EKITAKURI. Sing: ekishesyambwa.
    ebishi int. used to express contempt and disgust. Ebishi mwana wangye oryanzarira akantu. My child, you will cause me trouble one day.
    ebisho n. See: EBISO.
    ebishogororo n. empty pods of beans after harvesting. Eishaaruura ribaire riri ribi; ebishogororo tibirikwingana n’ebihimba. The harvest has been poor; the empty pods are more than the beans.
    ebishoshonkoro n. empty match boxes. Sing: ekishoshonkoro.
    ebishuba n. lies: things that one tells while knowing them to be untrue. Ebishuba kikazinduka kare amazima gaabitangayo. Lies woke up early (to go on a journey) but truth arrived (at the destination) before they did. Sing: ekishuba.
    ebishuriita n. stringed or thread ends on a cloth or any other material. Naasharisa makaasi ebishuriita ebiri aha mwenda gwe. She is cutting the thread ends on her cloth using a pair scissors.
    ebishurugu n. gourd pith: things that are removed from a calabash as it is being prepared for use.
    ebishurugutu n. See: EBISHURUGUTURURU.
    ebishurugutururu n. ear wax.
    ebishushunga n. husks: the dry outer covering of certain nuts, fruits and seeds especially grains.
    ebishuuku n. 1) catridges for bullets. **2) the sharp inner part of a cow’s horn.
    ebishwagara n. chaff: these are things which remain after harvesting and removing beans from pods. Ref: EBISHUSHUNGA.
    ebisigarira n. left-overs. Var: ebitsigarira.
    ebisigye n. eyebrows: hair above the human eye. Var:
    ebitsigye. ebisingo n. garden rubbish. ebiso adv. See: AHABISO1.
    ebisooroora n. aroma from a flavoured meal.
    ebisya n. new things.
    ebisya n. current affairs or information. Ebisya shi? What’s news? or Any news?
    ebisya n. neck: part of a person’s body connecting the head and therest of the body.
    ebisyaraazi n. stagnant water: (of water) not flowing. See: EBYAGAANA. Var: ebisyarazi.
    ebisyarazi n. See: EBISYARAAZI.
    ebitaako n. articles decorated with bead weavings.
    ebitaba n. gulleys built to retain and absorb water in a garden. Sing: ekitaba.
    ebitakuri n. sweet potatoes. See: EKITAKURI.
    ebitanaki n. vomitus: the matter from the stomach. Okugarukira ebitanaki nk’embwa. Returning to (eat) vomit, like a dog. Var: entanaki.
    ebitanga n. spots: small round spots. Embuzi ye eine ebitanga birikwera. Her goat has white spots.
    ebitara n. granaries: buildings where grain is stored. Sing: ekitara.
    ebitaraakira n. left overs: food remaining at the end of the meal.
    ebitaraakira adv. 1) poor attendance. **2) objects scattered apart: scanty population. Karamoja eine ebitaraakira by’abantu. Karamoja has scanty a population.
    ebitarira n. scattered animal spots. Var:ebitarire.
    ebiteera large orimates that lack tail and include chimpazees, gorillas and baaboons.
    ebitegye adj. the curved legs of a person. Aine amaguru g’ebitegye. He has curved legs.
    ebitingwa n. homosexuals; gays. Sing:ekitingwa.
    ebititi n. millet chuff left with some millet that needs further threshing.
    ebitobo n. See: ENTOBO. ebitobotobo n. See: ENTOBO. ebitojo n. See: AMATOJO2.
    ebitojo n. thicket or shrub of thistles. Embuzi nizikunda kurya ebitojo. Goats like eating shorny shrubs. Sing: ekitojo.
    ebitokoozi n. dirty particles in food or drinks
    especially when left uncovered.
    ebitonatone adj. spots such as those of a hyena or on clothes. Empitsi eine ebitonatone. A hyena has spots.
    ebitondoro n. See: EKITONDORO.
    ebitongaanwa n. 1) a plant with edible fruits that are red inside. **2) the fruits produced by these plants.
    ebitongo n. See: EKITONGO.
    ebitoosha n. mushroom: a fungus with a fairly round flat head and a stem. Ebitoosha nibikora emboga nungi munonga. Mushrooms make good sauce.
    ebitote adj. flour or mud mixed with excessive quantity of water.
    ebitsigarira n. Var: ebisigarira.
    ebitsya n. See: EBISYA3.
    ebitu n. guest room: a bed room reserved for visitors.
    ebituna n. dregs of sweet banana juice. Eshande eine ebituna bingi. Banana juice has too many dregs. ebitungwa n. domestic animals: tamed animals on
    the farm or as pets. Sing: ekitungwa.
    ebitutu n. See: EKITUTU.
    ebiyaago n. tributes: things that you say or do to show that you respect or admire somebody who has died.
    ebiyaga n. epilepsy or fits: a human disease of the nervous system that causes short-lived but recurrent convulsions.
    ebiyombera n. musical instruments that are worn on the legs, they produce good melody and sound as one dances.
    ebomba n. syringe: a device for sucking liquid and forcing it out again.
    ebomba n. pump: a mechanical device for putting pressure in the tyre.
    eboote n. the aged. Var: boote.
    eboroogo n. yell: a loud sharp cry of excitement or pain. Ku yaahuriire amakuru mabi yaateera eboroogo. When he heard of sad news he yelled.
    ebuguma n. a she-goat that has already produced.
    ebuhwanya n. a coarse trailling vine widely cultivated for its fruit and bears a large pulpy round fruit with a thick orange-yellow ring with numerous seeds. Cucurbita pepo.
    ebyafaayo n. history: that which has happened to a person, nation or family in the past.
    ebyagaana n. See: EBISYARAAZI.
    ebyago n. demons: evil spirits or devils especially one thought to possess a person and torment him or her.
    ebyahandiikirwe n. scriptures: religious writings. ebyakwahwa n. armpit hair. Pl: amaahwa. ebyamagara n. concerning the state of health. ebyamaka n. family matters.
    ebyanganga n. copperwire formed around a ring of zebra or giraffe’s hair.
    ebyari n. rags.
    ebyarugamu n. outcomes: the effects or result of the action or event.
    ebyatagurika n. pieces of a broken bottle or calabash.
    ebyemikono n. an activity involving a special skill of making things with hands.
    ebyeteeka n. tufts: grass tufts that stand out. Ref:EKISINDE.
    ebyeyariro n. bed clothes and mattresses on which people sleep.
    ebyobuhingi n. agriculture: the practice of cultivating the land and keeping animals.
    ebyobutegyeki n. politics: matters of politics.
    ebyohorongororo n. (of a cow) vaginal discharge before a cow delivers.
    ebyokunywa n. drinks: beverages that are both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Aha bugyenyi bwe hakaba hariho ebyokunywa bingi. At his wedding there were a lot of drinks.
    ebyokurya n. food: any substance that people or animals eat. Ebyokurya birimu omwonyo mwingi. There is too much salt in the food.
    ebyondo n. mud: soft sticky mud. Var: ekyondo.
    ebyosi n. days of mourning: the period or days of expressing great sadness because someone has died. Sing: ekyosi.
    ebyotsyo n. roastings. Var: ebyosyo. Sing:ekyotsyo.
    ebyoya n. fur: soft thick hair covering the body of an animal, e.g. sheep or goat. Entaama zaitu ziine ebyoya biraingwa byorobi. Our sheep have long soft fur. Sing: ekyoya.
    ecakacaka adj. an area covered with water or the boggy area characterised by high water content mixed with mud especially in wet swamp lands. Ahabw’enjura kugwa omuhanda gwona n’ecakacaka. Because of the rain the whole path is slipperly and wet.
    ecupa n. bottle: a glass container usually round with straight sides and a narrow neck used especially for liquids. Omwana yaanywera amate omu cupa. A child is taking milk from the bottle. Pl: ecupa.
    edaari n. ceiling: top inner surface of a room. Edaari y’enju yangye neerabwamu amaizi. The ceiling of my house is leaking. Pl: edaari.
    edakiika n. minutes: any of the 60 equal parts of an hour. Sing: edakiika.
    edebe n. tin: a metal container. Ebihimba abibiikire omu debe. She has stored beans in a tin. Pl: edebe.
    ediini n. religion: a belief in God or gods associated with activities of worship and prayer, e.g. Catholicism, Anglicanism. Pl: amadiini.
    edirisa n. window: an opening in the wall of a building that allows light and air to come in. Var: eidirisa.
    edubu n. bear: a large heavy animal with thick fur. Edubu n’ekikooko ekirikushangwa omu mahanga g’obutiti. a bear is an animal found in temperate countries. Pl: edubu.
    eduuka n. shop: a building where trading takes place.Etym: [].
    ee adv. yes: affirmative. ee ninza kwija omu mwebazyo. Yes, I will come in the evening. See: EEGO. eego adv. yes: a word used to express acceptance,willingness or agreement.
    eego int. oh: an exclamation used to express a variety of emotions, such as surprise, dissappointment and pleasure often as a reaction to something someone has said. Eego nkagabwa mureebire ngu naaza kunyanga. Oh! I knew hewouldn’t pay me.
    efa n. bowel or intestinal contents; excrement. excretes of animals: dung from slaughtered animals. Ababaagi baareka hanu efa. Butchers have left here animal excrement.
    efaakazi n. a widow: a woman who lost her husband
    and decides not to re-marry. Efaakazi egi neeyenda obuyambi. This widow needs help. Var: enfaakazi, omufaakazi.
    efaamu n. farm: a reasonable big area together with its buldings, set apart for the growing of crops and/or rearing of animals. Omukozi waitu w’omu faamu tariho eriizooba. Today our farm labourer is not around. Etym: []. Pl: efaamu.
    efaana n. tapeworm: a long flat worm with a soft body and no legs that lives in the tube that carries food out of the stomach of humans. Babaagire ente baashanga efaana omunda yaayo. They slaughtered a cow and found tapeworms in its stomach.
    efaani n. fan: an object that uses electric power to circulate cool air. Ekyoya kyaba kingi taho faani. It is too hot, put on the fan. Etym: []. Pl: efaani.
    efato n. a combination of being disorderly, dirty, lazy
    especially on the side of a woman in a family. Efato ye ekamuremesa amaka. Her untidiness made her fail to maintain a family. Pl: efato.
    efeeza n. silver: a valuable grey metal that is used for making things like jewellery and coins. Ajwaire empeta y’obuguzi bwingi y’efeeza. He has an expensive silver ring. Pl: efeeza.
    efoobe n. someone who is new to a school or any other place and does not mind about himself or others, or simply takes things easy. Akashwera omukazi w’efoobe. He married an un interested woman. See: ENGATA. Pl: efoobe.
    efoomu n. a form, bench: a long usually hard seat for two or more people often found in public places. Efoomu ei tubaire tushitamireho omu bugyenyi ehendekire. The bench we were seated on at the party broke down. Pl: efoomu.
    eforogo n. forked hoe: a type of hoe that is fork shaped, and is used to dig in stony or hard rocky areas. Var: forogo.
    efotogoro adj. something that is disorganised by many but uncoordinated organisers. Embaga yaawe ekaba efotogoro. Your party was disorganised or disorderly.
    efuka n. hoe: a garden tool used for tilling the soil or removing weeds from the garden. Pl: efuka.
    efukuzi n. mole: a rat like animal that stays underground and destroys peoples garden’s of cassava, potatoes, etc. Efukuzi neekunda kurya ebitakuri. A mole likes eating sweet potatoes.
    efumbatwa n. See: ENYOGORI.
    efumbi n. a disease (common among lod people) which attacks some parts of the body like teeth, bones, etc.
    efumbi n. lymph node: each of the small swellings in the lymphatic system where lymph is filtered and lymphocytes multiply in response to infection. Bakabaaga ente baashanga eine efumbi nyingi. The cow they slaughtered had a lot of lymph nodes.
    efuuti n. compound: courtyard, a well tended garden. Var: fuuti.
    efuuti n. foot: unit of measurement. Var: fuuti. Etym: [].
    efuuzi n. orphan: a child whose parents are dead. Pl: amafuuzi.
    egaaju n. a brown cow. Var: gaaju.
    egaari n. bicycle: a two wheeled cycle.
    egaari y’omwika n. train: a chain of wagons used for transporting people or bulky commodities.
    egaashe n. a type of grass that grows in grasslands.
    egabo n. meal: a meal or type of food that has been prepared for a special occasion.
    eganduura n. robe: a long garment worn for official or ceremonial occasions.
    egashani n. royal tomb: a large vault for burrying kings, especially used in Ankole.
    egiigya n. type of loan grass.
    egiraasi n. a transparent object used to make windows, bottles and other objects. Emeeza egi ekozirwe omu giraasi. This table is made of glass. Etym: [].
    egirikani n. a plastic container with a handle on top. See: EKIDOMORA. Var: egirikaani. Etym: [].
    egirita n. a razor blade: a thin metal used especially for treaming nails and for shaving hair. Var: akagirita.
    egobore n. zither: a musical instrument with many strings stretched over a flat wooden box and played with the fingers.
    egomborora n. sub-county: a political or regional division which is below the county and above the parish. Var: eigomborora. Etym: []. Pl: amagomborora.
    egoobe n. a kind of whistling where hands are used to create a high-pitched sound.
    egoya n. See: ENYUNGU-EGOYA.
    egunga n. a specie of grass.
    eguniya n. sack: a bag made out of strong rough materials usually sisal commonly used for carrying and storing millet, beans, flour, etc. Var: egutiya.
    egunu n. that person, animal or plant that is much smaller than the usual size.
    egyaga n. a big container that is used fo keeping and serving porridge or other liquid warm drinks. Etym: [].
    egyambiya n. machette. See: OMUHORO. Var: gyambiya.
    egyora n. cloth: a roll of cloth.
    egyuri n. spirit: diluted local potent gin called waragi.
    ehaagu n. salty water given to cows. Akeeshere ente amaizi g’amanure. He gave cows salty water.
    ehee int. a word used to express emotions such as surprise, anger, etc. Ehee! abeegi kabakozire gye ebigyezo! Eh!, surprisingly students passed well their exams!
    ehiira n. porriedge: sour porridge. Aha bugyenyi bakagabura ehiira. They served sour porridge at the party.
    ehindaneegwa n. eggs: rotten eggs which are left over unhatched.
    ehirira n. occuring with a lot of force or vigour. Embaga etyo ehirira. The party happened with a lot of vigour.
    ehirizi n. African traditional medicine, usually sewn in a small piece of cloth, and used for protective purposes.
    ehoteeri n. hotel: a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in and where you can eat meals. Var: hoteeri. Etym: [].
    ehuruuru n. campaign for some programme or ideology. Bateire ehuruuru ya poliyo. They made a campaign against polio.
    ehuuma n. cutlery: folk; kitchen utensil used for eating food.
    ehuuru n. dwarf: a person, animal or any other creature of usually small size. Obwana bwe bwona n’ehuuru. All her children are dwarfs. See: EGUNU.
    ehuuzi n. thread. a long thin strand of cotton, nylon or other fibres used in sewing or weaving.
    eibaagiro n. abattoir: a place where animals are slaughtered. Pl: amabaagiro.
    eibaare n. stone: a hard and impamiable solid rock. Pl: amabaare.
    eibaare n. a song written and released by musicians as part of a music album. Pl: amabaare.
    eibaati n. iron sheet: metalic sheet used for roofing houses. Var: eibaate. Pl: amabaati.
    eibabi n. leaf of a plant.
    eibaiziro n. carpentry workshop: a place where wooden items like chairs, tables, doors and windows are made. Naamushanga arikuza omu
    eibaiziro rye. I found him going to his carpentry workshop.
    eibambiro n. 1) a place where cattle and animal skins are dried. **2) a shrine or alter.
    eibanga n. mystery. Katwature eibanga ry’okwikiriza. Let us proclaim the mystery of faith. Usage: CATHOLIC. Pl: eibanga.
    eibanga n. honour: respect a person gets because of his integrity.
    eibanga n. slope: rising or falling sharply not gradually. Eibanga eri ryandusya munonga. This steep slope has made me very tired. Pl: amabanga.
    eibango n. hunchback: a back deformed by a sharp forward angle forming a hump, caused by collapse of one or more vertebrae.
    eibanja n. Pl: amabanja. 1) debt: something owed by one person to another e.g. money. **2) the state of owing someone something e.g. favour. Nyine eibanja ry’okukutaayaayira. I owe you a visit.
    eibano n. a shaft of an arrow.
    eibara n. Pl: amabara. 1) a spot: a mark or design on the surface of something. Ekiteeteeyi kye kiine amabara marungi. Her dress has a good design **2) a stain.
    eibaraza n. veranda: covered area outside a house often enclosed by a low wall.
    eibatirizo n. font: a place designated for baptising people.
    eibega n. shoulder: the joint connecting the arm with the trunk. Pl: amabega.
    eibiba n. sowing season. Okwezi kwa mwenda n’eibiba ry’oburo. September is the sowing season for millet.
    eibiikiro-ry’ebitabo n. library: a place where books are kept.
    eibinja n. a disease that attacks plants making the leaves dry up.
    eiboroboro adj. insisting on doing things that are above one’s level. Akeeteera eiboroboro kushwera akiri muto amaka gaamurema. He insisted on marrying when he was young and the family broke up.
    eibugane n. See: AMABUGANE.
    eibugane n. a disease that attacks the skin, believed to be caused by stepping on a grave or place where twin rituals have been performed.
    eibumba n. clay: a fine grained soil that is soft and permeable when wet. Enyungu nizikorwa omu ibumba. Pots are made of clay.
    eibunu n. doing things reluctantly. Pl: amabunu.
    eibutika n. large quantity of saliva spat out in one go.
    eicanda n. See: AMACANDA.
    eicuba n. a container used to draw water from the well to the watering trough for animals.
    eicumbi n. a camp: a place of residence.
    eicumu n. a spear: a sharp pointed weapon with a long shaft. Eicumu ni kimwe aha bintu ebirikukozesibwa kuhiiga. A spear is one of the hunting tools. Pl: amacumu.
    eicwamba n. hair that grows on one’s legs.
    eicwero n. a court house. Bakamutwara omu icwero ry’emishango. They took him to the court house.
    eidinda n. pleat: designs of folds on a cloth. Var:
    eivunya. Pl: amadinda.
    eifa n. widespread famine. Pl: amafa.
    eifa n. edible fruit that is oval shaped. Pl: amafa.
    eifo adv. below, down there. Eiziba bakaritimba eifo y’omusiri. The well was dug below the garden.
    eifukunkura-marira n. a period of misery. Omwegyemure ku gwatweire amaju g’abantu haabaho eifukunkura marira omu kyaro. There was a period of misery when the floods washed away people’s houses.
    eigabuka n. state of hapinnes or joy.
    eigabuka n. honeymoon: the first few months after one’s wedding. Pl: amagabuka.
    eigana n. 1) a hundred: the cardinal number written as 100 in Arabic numerals. **2) a herd. Aine eigana ry’ente. He has a big herd of cattle
    eigaro n. handful; a quantity that fills the hand. Omukazi akampereeza eigaro ry’omwonyo. The woman gave me ahandful of salt.
    eigobe n. mating season for dogs. Embwa niziza omu igobe nyekiro. Dogs always mate at night.
    eigomero n. a holding place for cattle.
    eigomezo n. a place that is impossible to reach place.
    eigosi n. testicle: either of the two oval organs enclosed in the scrotum behind the penis that produces sperms in men and other male mammals. Pl: amagosi.
    eigufa n. bone: any of the pieces of hard whitish tissue making up the skeleton of humans and other animals. Pl: magufa.
    eigundu n. braging: to talk in a boastfull manner.
    eiguru n. 1) atmosphere: the sky and outer space seen from the earth. Eiguru ririmu enyonyozi. There are stars in the sky. **2) heaven. Usage

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – D

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – D


    d n. the forth letter of the Roman alphabet.
    daa n. the sound made by a sheep.
    daburokara n. double colour. Etym: [].
    dainingi n. dining room. Etym: []. demokurasi n. democracy: a type of government, elected by the people who have equal rights in decision making, etc. Etym: [].
    dereeva n. driver. Var: duriiva. Etym: []. Pl: baadereeva.
    diguri n. degree: a qualification offered by a university to person who has completed a courseof study. Etym: [].
    Diisi n. District Commissioner.
    diporoma n. diploma: qualification attained in higher institutions of learning. Var: dipuroma. Etym: [].
    dipuroma See: DIPOROMA.
    disiko n. discotheque. Etym: [].
    disiturikiti n. district: a local government administrative unit that heads the counties, sub-counties, parishes, etc. Etym: [].
    doboro adj. double: twice as much. Etym: [].doodo ebihagi
    doodo n. pig weed: a green vegetable. Amaranthus_Species.
    doora n. dollar: the basic monetary unit used in the US and other countries. Etym: [].
    duriiva n. See: DEREEVA.
    duuka-mukono n. hawker: a person who moves from place to place selling goods.

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – F

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – F


    f n. the sixth letter of the Roman alphabet.
    fa adv. just. Fa kuzayo. Just go there.
    faa adj. carelessly, doing something anyhow. Omurimo akagukorera eryo faa. He did the work anyhow.
    fene n. jack fruit: a tropical fruit with a hard cover.
    foomu n. form. Etym: [].
    forogo n. See: EFOROGO.
    furungu n. corduroy: a type of cloth material that has stripes not of any other colour but stripes with the plain colour of the material itself.
    furuweero n. free wheel. Etym: English.
    fuuti n. feet: a unit used for measuring length. Etym:

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – R

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – R


    rahi adv. where?
    raijaraija n. a part time job.
    -raingwa adj. long.
    reediyo n. radio: an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals. Etym: [].
    reero conj. then/so that.
    -ri- infix. singular class marker for words in the “li-ma” class.
    -riho adj. it is there.
    rimu adv. it’s there.
    ritaari n. altar: a holy table. Var: rutaari. Etym: [].
    -riya adv. the other one.
    rubaaga-empereka n. a big and long knife especially used in slaughtering.
    rubaba n. a name given to cows that have two breasts, the other two do not function.
    rubamba n. a bull with grey and white brown colour with white patches on the throat. Var: mbamba, kabamba.
    Rubambansi n. His magesty.
    rubanda n. an ancient hero like Methuselah.
    rubango n. one of the potatoe specie.
    rubaraasi n. a brown bull with house patches on the throat.
    rubarara adj. something very big.
    rubarura-ntojo n. thunder: the idiomatic name for thunder. See: ENKUBA.
    rubombo n. a medicinal plant that is very bitter. See: EKIBOMBO.
    rubosta n. coffee specie. See: OMWANI.
    Rubuga n. a king’s sister in Ankole.
    rubura n. rascal: a person especially a man who shows lack of respect for other people playing tricks on them.
    rucumu n. a controversial figure.
    Rucunya n. a shiny person.
    Rucwamihingo n. an achiever, a go- getter: one who does not wait. He or she gets results quickly.
    rufu n. death.
    ruga adv. to chase someone away from you or call someone in a commanding voice.
    rugaaju n. See: GAAJU.
    rugaaniira n. musical instrument: a seed tray used as a tambourine or rattle.
    rugaba n. God: the almighty.
    rugabire n. rubber sandals that are locally made out of car tyres.
    rugambwa n. a famous person known by many people because of his deeds.
    rugogoma adj. something very big.
    rugondo n. a bull or a male calf that has small white spots. Var: kagondo.
    rugongo n. flea: a very small jumping insect without wings that bite animals and sucks blood. rugosi ] n. a person who praises his manhood and talks in relation to his manhood. Rugumba n. a big and quiet man. rugungu n. See: AKAHIMBA. ruhaata n. an old monkey.
    ruhabo n. that where one goes when they have lost way.
    ruhamireeka n. finger millet specie.
    Ruhanga n. God: the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions.
    ruharaatwa n. one who plays about. ruhaya n. a male goat. See: EMPAYA. ruhega n. famine.
    ruhemba n. comet: a bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust.
    ruhembe n. See: ORUHEMBE.
    ruhembure n. hair dominated with grey hair.
    ruhenda n. a variety of millet which is hard to mingle.
    ruhenure n. abuses which include curses. ruhigura adj. rain: a very heavy rainfall. ruhiku n. goodluck: a person who has good luck. ruhima-rwa-ndongo n. a grasshopper specie.
    ruhombo n. mould: a fine soft green grey or black substance like fur that grows on old food or in objects that are left in warm or wet air.
    ruhondeeza n. a slow lazy person.
    ruhumba-ntuutu n. a person who eats everything that he/she comes across.
    ruhumbe n. a bull with a single horn. Var: kahembe.
    ruhuuga n. a bull with white forelegs. Var: mpuuga.
    ruhuura n. a grey bull with dull white spots. Var: kahuura.
    ruhuuzimu n. a cow with grey colour or black mixed with white or brown hair.
    rujuga n. Adam’s apple.
    rujumba n. a male goat with grey-black colour. Var: Njumba, kajumba.
    rujwa-mireju n. nasal bleeding.
    rukakaare n. weaverbird: Finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests.
    rukome n. a bull with horns moving forward and upwards. Var: kakome, nkome.
    rukomyo ] n. a traditional pot with four openings used by married women in prepration for intercourse.
    rukondo n. a bull with horns moving inwards and upwards.
    rukonko n. a very weak cow. rukooreera n. up in the sky. rukumi n. one thousand: 1000.
    rukundo n. love: a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody especially a member of your family or friend.
    rukungu n. a hornless bull. Var: nkungu.
    rukunu adj. a very poor family below the poverty line.
    rukunya-akatimba n. a name of a cow: this cow looks clean and shiny.
    rukura n. a banana disease that makes banana fingers dotted black and ripen before maturity.
    rukururana n. trailer: a truck that pulls a container which has wheels.
    rukuunya n. a person who works very slowly.
    rukuura n. a banana wilt disease that cause them to ripen when they are not grown enough.
    Rumwera n. a good cow, so beautiful that it cannot be rivalled.
    Runanisa n. a name given to a strong man. runcumite n. one who gossips. runkunku n. a habitual thief.
    runonko n. this is where herdsmen used to roast bananas and sweet potatoes from. Pl: runonko.
    runuuka n. a name given to a very poor person who cannot afford buying anything.
    runyabuza n. a big cow with very small horns.
    ruraka n. See: MAHUMAHU.
    rurangaanwa n. a famous person known by very many people because of his deeds.
    rurara n. sword: a weapon with long metal blade and handle used for cutting.
    rureebya n. a person who gives away secrets about their friends, country, etc.
    rurega n. a form of therapy: to boil water for cows to drink. In this hot water, they put in anthills and some herbs and boil. This medicine is put in the trough for cows and they drink it hot. The same therapy used to wash people with leprosy. The same therapy would also be used if a cow had got retained placenta.
    ruremba n. a bull with a white striped belly. Var: kiremba.
    rurembeezi n. a bull with no circles of hair and it is not used for paying bride price.
    ruriiya pron. that over there.
    Rurombya n. the one who weakens the other side.
    rusaaninga adj. a big bad fierce person or animal like a lion.
    rushagama1 n. red: the chromatic colour resembling the hue of blood.
    rushagama2 n. cancer-like disease that eats up one part of the body like a toe until it breaks off.
    rushamaitu n. See: KASHAMAITU.
    rushanda n. locust: a big flying insect from Asia and Africa that moves in very large groups, eating and destroying large quantities of plants. See: ENZIGYE.
    rushanjuura-mumiro n. a big chunk of food swallowed at ago.
    rushongoza n. very sharp tops of horns.
    rutaara n. See: KATAARA.
    rutaara-omwagaagyi n. a cow that is being caressed.
    rutaari n. See: RITAARI. Var: ritaari. rutahikwa-mutoozo n. a molar tooth. rutahikwa-mutozo1 n. a rebellious person who ignores advice.
    rutahikwa-mutozo2 n. a term used as an a buse. rutahikwa-mutozo3 n. a large burrowing beetle. rutakirwa n. the title of the King of Kigezi. rutamiisi n. a cassava specie that is poisonous when
    eaten raw or when it is not yet dry. rutangirira-bagyenyi phr. a lazy person. rutanyohoka n. a cautious person.
    Rutarendeza n. a weak and powerless person.
    Rutaromba n. one who perseveres.
    rutasanga n. (of cattle) to eat grass or drink water. rutasinziira adj. someone who is alert even in sleep. rutinda-ngyezi n. an idol in the Kinyankore traditon.
    rutyaza n. a wild tree with long thorns.
    ruuha adj. which one.
    ruyonza n. it is a he-goat with small white dots.
    ruzaaro n. See: ORUZAARO.
    ruzimure n. sorghum porridge made from a certain specie of sorghum; it is made by the Bakiga and Banyankore. Ref: ENKUMB
    rwabwamba n. an item used in devination.
    rwagati n. middle: the part of something that is at an equal distance from all sides.
    rwaheeru int. God forbid.
    rwaiguuga adj. a word used to refer to something very big or huge.
    rwakibikindi n. See: KIBIKINDI. rwakipumpuru n. a serious cattle disease. rwamigongo n. a banana specie that has big and long banana fingers.
    rwango n. hatred: a strong feeling of dislike of somebody.
    rwanyamushanda n. See: ENJUBU.
    rwaranda n. famine: lack of food fo a long period of time in an area.
    rwarwa n. alcohol: a local brew made out of yellow bananas.
    rwatamagufa n. a man with great physical strength, especially one who performs feats of strenght as a form of entertainment.
    rwebandira n. rebel. See: OMUHEEKYERA.
    rwebisingo n. compost pit for garbage collection.
    rwecunda n. a bore-hole: a hole or passage made by a drill; usually used to pump water from underground. See: NAIKONDO.
    rweganywa n. unbeatable person or system that you cannot fight and defeat.
    rweiguuga n. a very big thing. See: RWAIGUUGA.
    rwemereza n. it is a type of peas which has big white seeds.
    rwemereza-bagyenzi n. something which has yielded highly.
    rweziringa1 n. thorn apple. rweziringa2 n. a slow person. rwiba-mutima n. death.
    rwigura-mumiro adj. the first thing you eat before eating anything.
    rwinika n. a cow with big horns facing forwards.
    rwitabataaruuzi n. a period in the evening around 7.00pm.
    rwo adj. possessive adjective.
    ryari adv. when.

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – T

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – T


    t n. the twentieth letter of the English alphabet.
    taapu n. tap: a device for controlling the flow of water from a pipe. Pl: taapu.
    taata n. father: a male parent of a child.
    taata n. dad: a child’s word for a father.
    takisi n. taxi: a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money.
    tanka n. tank: a container used for storing large amounts of water..
    taratara n. drum: a percussion instrument sounded by being struck with sticks or the hands typically cylindirical, barrel-shaped with a tout membrane over one or both sides and is small in size used for decoration.
    taru-taru adj. a jumpy person who cannot sit in one place and keeps moving here and there.
    tata n. See: TAATA. Pl: batata.
    tataitwe n. 1) God: God our father. 2) Our father.
    tatazaara n. father-in-law: the father of your spouse. Pl: batatazaara.
    tatenkazi n. paternal aunt: the sister of your father or mother. Pl: batatenkazi.
    tatenkuru n. grandfather: the father of your father or mother. Pl: batatenkuru.
    tatento n. paternal uncle: the brother of your father. Pl: tatento.
    tayaari adj. to be ready. Etym: [].
    ti adv. a word used to join the negative to the verb.
    tiitiiti adj. something that is very white.
    tiivi n. television: an electronic device that receives signals and displays them on a screen.
    tikwo conj. not so?
    tindemwa n. a banana specie with short fingers.
    tinfeerwa-kangye n. egocentric: a self-centred person with little regard for others.
    tinshengyera n. drosophila: small brown flies that multiply very fast and hover around sweet foods or beer.
    tipuhu adj. a voice made by someone spitting.
    tiri-tiri adj. a sound that is heard when something is running.
    tkaabusimba n. a type of house or building.
    toduura n. a disease that attacks coffee and banana plantations.
    togo-togo n. a sound made by food when boiling.
    tonto n. local beer: beer made out of ripe bananas and left to ferment.
    tori adj. a sound when something is thown in water.
    tsyoi adj. to run all of a sudden.
    tsyoi-tsyoi adj. birds sound/singing.
    tubura n. a certain plant specie.
    tuku-tuku adj. a situation of being so pure in colour.
    tungutungu adj. to spend a sleepless night due to problems, fear or security situations.
    turiya adj. those ones.
    turusaka n. a wild animal which eats hens by traping them in its anus which has cereal liketwara-tugyende zo substance; when a hen come to pick it, it closes the anus and rus away with it. See: EKITEGARUHENDE, ORUHURA.
    twara-tugyende phr. a phrase used to mean all the rest.
    twa-twa-twa adj. a sound made by bullets.
    twena adj. all of us.
    twenka adj. only us.
    twente n. a bean specie red in colour with dots.

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – W

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – W


    wakame n. See: AKAME.
    waringa n. scarecrow: an object made in such a way that it resembles a human figure, set up to scare birds away from the garden.
    waadiroopu n. wardrope: a large cupboard for hanging clothes which is either made of furniture or built into the walls.
    wambuba n. a shrub.
    wandandara adj. big and not shaped. See:MADABADA.
    warubeba n. rat: the name used in stories for a small animal with a long tail.
    Warugwe n. leopard: the name used for leopards in stories.
    Warujojo n. elephant: the name used in story telling to refer to elephant.
    we pron. a word used to mean she or he.
    weena adj. wholly, completely (of people): the whole of one’s heart, soul and body.

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – O

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – O


    o n. one of the letters of the alphabet.
    obeho int. a way of saying farewell to someone who is going away and wishing them well.
    obu adv. when, while: at that time or as soon as. Akaraba omu katare obu yaaruga aha. She past in the market when she left here.
    obubaagi n. the occupation of slaughtering animals like sheep, goats, cows, etc.
    obubaagi n. being extravagant or a spendthrift. Owaabo bakaitwa obubaagi. They are all extravagant in their family.
    obubaani n. incense.
    obubaizi n. carpentry: the occupation of making or repairing things in wood.
    obubi n. See: AMAZI.
    obubundamo n. 1) a place where one falls after collapsing; where one falls after loosing control due to sickness or shock. **2) a place where one crouches to avoid sight, being seen or recognised.
    obubuzi n. (of clothes) creases in clothes when they are not ironed. Eshaati aine obubuzi bwingi gigorore. The shirt has many foldings you must iron it.
    obubya n. (of animals) acute craving for sodium chloride.
    obucancabari n. tarters: clothes that have been worn out and are in tarters. See: OBUCUJU. Var: obushanshabari.
    obucecezi n. night dancing done while performing recitations.
    obucumita-mbogo n. a plant with small leaves and small thorns.
    obucura n. a term that refers to old age in cattle.
    obucureera n. calmness: being quiet, not agitated or excited; not ruffled by the wind.
    obucureezi n. humility: the gentleness of living without chaos or agitation.
    obucwekacweka n. small pieces: things that remain after something has been torn or broken.
    obudongo n. kneaded mud, which is used for construction of mud and wattle houses.
    obufa-matu adj. deafness: a situation where one is unable to hear at all.
    obufu n. foolishness or doing foolish things; lacking wisdom.
    obufu n. a cow dung: cow’s waste product.
    obufuki n. Pl: obufuki. 1) coldness: the relative lack of heat produced by low temperature. **2) lacking affection or enthusiasm; being in low spirits.
    obufumu n. witchcraft: the practice of using special powers (believed to be derived from the devil) to make things happen. Pl: obufumu.
    obufunda n. narrowness: the state of being without space.
    obufundi n. artisanship: the art of making or repairing things.
    obufura n. hospitality: affable and generous behaviour towards other people.
    obufute n. breach delivery: the abnormal delivery of a child by the legs first.
    obufuuhi n. jealousy: excessive jealousy in respect of one’s spouse or lover.
    obufuuzi n. a state of being an orphan.
    obuga n. tight sensation when food is taken after a long fast.
    obugabe n. kingship: having to do with monarchies or royal life.
    obugabe n. freedom or liberty: the state of being free to do anything one wants without limitation. obugagye n. food that has gone bad and has lost its actual taste or is rotten.
    obugamba n. rack: a structure made above the fireplace in the kitchen.
    obugambiro n. freedom of speech: a state of having a chance or a right to say what one wants to say.
    obuganga n. gun powder.
    obugangaazi n. 1) disobedience: being obstinate. **2) stiffness: a situation where something is so hard that it cannot bend.
    obugangye n. thrush: an infection of the mouth and throat by a yeast-like fungus, causing whitish patches especially in children.
    obugaragwa n. a condition of being loved by a
    chief. See: OMUGARAGWA.
    obugigi adv. being forced or compeled to do something.
    obugiizi-bwa-buryo n. See: AMASHUUMA.
    obugimu n. manure: any animal waiste or plant material used to make land fertile.
    obugomokye n. fatness: possessing a lot of flesh on the body.
    obugore n. a period of time when one has just married or is about to get married.
    obugoro n. snuff: tobacco in form of powder that is taken into the nose to sniff.
    obugumba n. barrenness or infertility: a woman or female animal incapable of producing offsprings.
    obugumi n. 1) hardness: being firm, solid or rigid and difficult; requiring a lot of effort. **2) being mean; not generous.
    obugumira-naku n. perseverance: keeping strong as much as one can despite the difficulties one meets.
    obugurusi n. old age: being old.
    obugwagye n. peace: being healthy and happy.
    obugwairaro n. madness: being mentally deraged, insane, very foolish, unable to differenciate between bad and good.
    obugwizi n. feeling tickled: a feeling one gets after being tickled.
    obugyega n. containers where fresh picked tea leaves are put.
    obugyega n. foolishness: being devoid of good sense or judgement.
    obugyemu n. the routine of taking milk or food to someone, for example in hospital, in a new place, etc.
    obugyeragyere n. See: OBUNYARUME. obugyeragyere n. See: OBUNYARUME. obugyeya n. a sensitive plant. obuhamahama n. secrets. obuhambwe n. black tree ants.
    obuhandiiki n. secretarial work. Bakamuha
    omurimo gw’obuhandiiki aha gomborora. He was given secretarial work at the sub county head quarters.
    obuhangangukye n. exile: the act of expelling a person from their native land. See: OBUZAAHE.
    obuhangu n. expertise: skill in a particular subject, activity or job. Omwishiki ogu aine obuhangu omu by’okunogoora. This girl has expertise in pottery.
    obuhatamo n. shelter: a place where people are protected from bad weather or from danger. Enjura ku yaagwire yaaronda obuhatamo bwabura. When it rained, she failed to get shelter. See: OBWEGAMO.
    obuheehe n. sorghum husks: fine and less dense and particles of sorghum husks which can be easily blown away by wind.
    obuhendagurika n. broken pieces of something especially a tree, glass, sticks, etc.
    obuhiigiro n. the place or area where people go for a particular purpose or thing.
    obuhiima n. See: AMAHIIMA.
    obuhikiro n. reception: a room where visitors go first when they arrive in a place.
    obuhindihindi n. a climbing edible plant with beans.
    obuhingura n. hump: a round area of flesh at the top of the back of an animal.
    obuhome n. building made out of mud and wattle.
    obuhonda-mabaare n. quarry: a place where large rocks are dug out of the ground and crushed.
    obuhundame n. state of being dull and inactive.
    obuhunga n. flour: fine white, powder made from maize grains.
    obuhuta n. bruises: wounds one gets after an injury.
    obuhuuha n. certain arrangement of banana leaves when steaming bananas in a pan.
    obuhuumuriro adj. a place for resting. obujagujagu n. wit: being cunning and tricky. obujenjemere n. laziness: being unwilling to work or do anything that involves physical labour.
    obujuga-nyonza n. a period in the past when cows in Ankole died of an epidemic thought to have been rinderpest.
    obujunja n. laces, tussels.
    obujunzya n. ornaments.
    obujurizo n. punctuation marks: marks used within or after sentences or phrases. nikibi kuhandiika otatireemu obujurizo. its bad to write without punctuating your work.
    obukamba n. riverblindness: a disease which if not treated can cause blindness and roughness of the skin.
    obukangaga n. a grass species that is hard and has sharp tips and grows in the swamps.
    obukanja n. a tree species with very many small edible berries.
    obukaragye n. ability to make a good choice. Ogu omwishiki aine obukaragye bw’engoye. This girl knows how to make a right combination of clothes.
    obukiika n. width: the size or measurement of something from one end to another with a horizontal or diagonal orientation.
    obukire n. wealth: the state of being rich and affluent. Obukire bwe nibwo bwamuheise oburuuru. His wealth is what earned him votes. See: OBUGAIGA.
    obukomeraniro n. the point where two or more ropes or strings are tied together.
    obukomo n. bungles: a piece of jewellery worn loosely around the wrist.
    obukomooko n. origin of a person or something in terms of geographical location or lineage. obukonjangure n. too many scars on the body as a result of being stubbed.
    obukono n. forks of a bicycle handle bars: the pair of bars joining the front hub to the frame in a bicycle.
    obukoro n. groups: a set of people or things that are considered as a group. Bakeebaganisamu obukooro batakatandikire kurya. They grouped themselves before they started eating. Sing: akokoro.
    obukubuuzi n. colonialisation: the process where a powerful state takes over another one and administers it. Obukubuuzi omu Uganda bukatandika omu 1894. Colonialisation in Uganda started in 1894.
    obukumi n. playing a ball by making it repeatedly bounce on the knee. See: EMBARI 2.
    obukumiirizi n. guarding, or keeping an eye on something.
    obukungu n. chieftainship: being a leader in a community.
    obukunguutwa n. residue: small amount of something that remains at the end of a process.
    obukurura n. black jack seeds: seeds of a plant species which have hooks and are dispersed by people, animals and birds. Bidens pilosa. Sing: akakurura.
    obukuumeeme adv. being extremely dry.
    obukuutu n. insolence: the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties.
    obukwatiro n. handle: a part of an object used to hold it or carry it. Enshaho yangye teine bukwatiro. My bag lacks handles.
    obumanyi n. expertise: special skill or knowledge about a particular activity or topic.
    obumare n. mastitis: a cow disease that attacks the teats and they get blocked.
    obumuga n. See: OBUREMA.
    obumwe n. unity: being together and showing a high degree of co-operation. Obumwe nigwo musingye gw’entunguuka. Unity is the fopundation of development.
    obunabi n. prophecy: what is foretold by somebody who is belived to possess spiritual powers.
    obunafu n. laziness: expressing unwillingness to work.
    obunaku n. specified time: used to refer to a time when something will or is likely to happen.
    obunaku n. poverty: the state of being impoverished unable to to meet the basic necessities of life e.g. food, shelter and clothing. obunanukye n. 1) contentment: a state of being satisfied in life. **2) relief: reassurance and relaxation from distress, anxiety, fatigue or tension.
    obundi adv. next time: another time in future or again..
    obundi adv. perhaps.
    obuneene n. bungles: ornaments for children made in palm leaves.
    obunena n. roasted or fried legumes e.g. soya beans, groundnuts, maize, etc.
    obunono adv. flour that is fine or well ground. obunono n. roof top (seen from within). obuntu n. compassion: the quality of humane. obunuzi n. sweatness: pleasant taste. obunyaata n. scarcity of sauce.
    obunyaatsi n. grass: common wild low-growing plants with green blades and stalks that are eaten by ruminants. Usage: Nkole. Var: obunyaasi, obunyansi.
    obunyabangye n. a variety of mushrooms that is big in size but short.
    obunyabwengye n. wisdom: the state or condition of being wise. Pl: obunyabwengye.
    obunyadiini n. religiousness: believing in a supernatural being- God.
    obunyagashani n. black round seeds shaped like peas.
    obunyakabungo n. edible mushrooms with purplish colour.
    obunyakantu n. selfishness: the habit of not letting others share your property.
    obunyakare adv. long ago.
    obunyampagara n. banana bunches with few fingures.
    obunyamurera n. flutes: musical instruments shaped like a thin pipe.
    obunyamurwa n. 1) a responsibility given to someone to do something. **2) a religious activity especially in the Catholic church where a person appointed can offer the sacrament of eucharist even when he is not an ordained priest.
    obunyancooni n. underdeveloped banana fingers that are found at the bottom of a banana bunch and are of poor quality.
    obunyangarara n. cracks: lines on the surface of something that has broken but not yet split. obunyantabo n. mushrooms: small mushrooms that grow where local brew is fermented. obunyarara n. stripes. Pl: obunyarara. obunyarume n. athletes foot: a fungal infection that attacks the skin in between the toes. See: OBUGYERAGYERE.
    obunyarume n. athretes foot: a fungal infection causing sores between the toes especially due to damp conditions.
    obunyigita n. the narrowest part of a calabash. obunyugwita n. sensations associated with orgasm. obunyuunya n. shrubs like cicanda liked by goats. Yellow Oxalis.
    obunyuunyambuzi n. See: OBUNYUUNYA. obunyuunyambuzi n. See: obunyuunya. obunywani n. friendship. Obunywani nibukira
    obuzaare. Friendship is more important than brotherhood.
    obuporiisi n. police profession: the practice of maintaining law and order in the state as performed by a department of government concerned.
    oburaakaare n. echo: reflection of sound off a wall or inside an enclosed space so that a noise appears to be repeated.
    oburaara n. feebleness: physical weakness or laziness of the body.
    oburaare n. mishap: an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate.
    oburaaro n. accomodation: used to refer to shelter given to one either for a night or a long period of time.
    oburaaza n. a herbal concoction that was used in conferring blessings in the past.
    oburabo n. passage: a place left for people to pass through.
    oburagarikira n. crumbs: small pieces of food.
    oburagi n. stupidity: lack common of knowledge neccessary in doing things.
    oburagwa n. will: a written document containing instructions as to what has to be done to the property after one’s death.
    oburahuzi n. bullying: the behaviour of making one annoyed or angry through verbal or physical actions.
    oburaingwa n. 1) length: the vertical length of something. **2) height: the horizantal length of something.
    oburamaazi n. long life: living for a long time.
    oburamata n. goose grass that produces sticky red liquid.
    oburamuzi n. judicial profession: an occupation for people who preside over cases.
    oburanga n. resemblence: some similarity or anything that makes a person to be recognised as being related to someone else.
    oburanga n. servitude: being forced to obey another person.
    oburangura n. trachoma: a contegeous disease of the eyes.
    oburare n. home desertion: the behaviour where one is interested in staying away from home.
    oburari n. trail: used to refer to small marks left behind by the passage of somebody or something in a certain place.
    obureeberezi n. diocese: an area of jurisidiction headed by a bishop in the Anglican Church.
    obureeberezi n. help: the assistance given to a needy person.
    obureebero n. vintage point.
    obureebya n. betrayal: the act of giving information about somebody to an individual.
    obureemeezi n. weight: how heavy something is measured in some scale as tons and kilograms.
    oburefure adj. wet: something which is soaked.
    obureju n. beards: hair of the lower part of the face excluding the moustache.
    oburema n. disability: a condition that limits a person’s movements or activities. See: OBUMUGA.
    oburengye adv. excessively: used to refer to unsual, too much or remarkable. Akamukunda oburengye. He loved her excessively.
    oburengye adv. (in breech birth) use to refer to legs when they appear first instead of the head.
    oburengyerwa-izooba n. west: used to refer to the direction where the sun sets and on the left hand side of the person facing North. Bunyoro eri omu burengyerwa-izooba bwa Uganda. Bunyoro is found in Western Uganda.
    oburera-ngaro n. laziness: a state of being lazy.
    oburezi n. baby sitting: the activity of looking after very young children.
    oburiba n. heaviness: something that has great weight, or which is hard to lift from one place to another.
    oburibatiro phr. available space: usually used to refer to a squeezed place that has many people. Tihariho buribatiro. There is no space at all.
    oburiga n. dried starch food: food that is cut into pieces and dried e.g. cassava, matooke, potatoes, etc.
    oburiho adj. cash: money at hand. Baamushaba emitwaro etaano z’oburiho. He was asked fifty thousand in cash.
    oburiiro n. a place where one can eat from. Tinyine buriiro. I don’t have where to eat from.
    oburiiro n. particles of food that stick to lips and to fingers when one eats with hands.
    oburiisa n. a parish: a small administrative unit with a church that has a pastor or a priest in the Anglican Church.
    oburiisizo n. grazing land: pasture or grazing land for cattle.
    oburiite n. difficult, complicated and almost impossible. Akatandika enju yaamubeera oburiite. He started a house and it became almost impossible to finish.
    oburikwera adj. holiness.
    Obushwere oburikwera. holy matrimony.
    oburimi n. speaking out uttering out words properly.
    oburimiro n. soil that sticks on legs and hands of a person digging. Ku yaaherize kuhinga yaanaaba
    oburimiro. He washed off soil from his legs after digging.
    oburindi n. fire-making sticks.
    oburingaaniza n. justice: fair, equal and just treatment of people.
    oburingiri n. used to refer to small particles of crumbled baked blood cake.
    oburinzi n. defence: protecting a community or people.
    oburo n. 1) finger millet: a type of plant grown in tropical countries and produces very small seeds. **2) millet bread: prepared out of millet flour that is mingled and is ready for eating. **3) millet garden: a garden where finger millet is planted.
    oburo-bw’enkombe n. a plant with compound leaves and small fruits.
    oburofa n. dirt.
    oburogo n. charm: magic power.
    oburomborombo adj. fuss, complaints: to make fuss over anything; to complain about small details.
    oburondo n. a type of mushrooms. oburondogozi n. 1) insenity. **2) moral decay. oburooro n. chicken fleas: small jumping insects without wings that feed on the blood of birds especially chicken. Sing: akarooro.
    oburugo n. source or origin.
    oburugwa-izooba n. East: direction from which the sun rises. Kenya eri oburugwa-izooba bwa Uganda. Kenya is in the east of Uganda.
    oburuhe n. fatigue: the state of being tired or worn out.
    oburuhuukiro n. a resting place.
    oburumba adv. used to describe how big something/someone is.
    oburungi n. goodness.
    obururuma n. water falls: steep inclines in the river course that causes water to fall at a height.
    oburwaire n. sickness.
    oburwani n. tendency of fighting.
    oburyambuzi n. moustache: a line of hair that a man grows on the upper lip. Usage: slang. oburyancebebe n. small insects red in colour that eat white ants.
    oburyane n. conflicts and intrigues within a party.
    oburyangatanisa n. embezzlement: the fraudelent use of funds. Oburyangatanisa niburemesa entunguuka. Embezzlement retards development. oburyarya n. deceit, dishonest: behaviour that is intended to make somebody believe something that is wrong. James aine oburyarya. James is full of mistrust.
    oburyo n. usefulness: being helpful in a given activity.
    obusaasi n. pain: physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.
    obusaasingo n. particles, fragments, or rubbish. obusasangira n. See: OBUSAASINGO. obuseeri adv. across.
    obuseetura n. local beer made out of banana juice mixed with millet flour.
    obusenzi n. stupidity: dullness of mind.
    obusere n. charm: powdered charm given to to a man by a woman to win his love.
    obushaagure n. menopause: the period when a woman ceases to go into menstruation periods, and cannot give birth.
    obushaakure n. a disease associated with menopause that causes blisters on the legs and feet among women.
    obushaariizi n. bitterness.
    obushagiki n. support: giving someone or a candidate your mandate.
    obushaho n. doctor: the profession of treating an ailment.
    obushahuzi n. looting: the act of hacking or grabbing anything tangible.
    obushaija n. manhood: male sexual organs. See: EMBORO.
    obushakurukye n. curdled milk: milk that has stayed for long and has become sour.
    obushambani n. fornication: to have sex with someone you are not married too.
    obushanjagure n. scars obtained from fighting using spears, where a person is pierced with a spear several times.
    obushanshabari n. See: OBUCANCABARI.
    obushaza n. See: AMASHAZA.
    obushazi n. madness: the state of being insane.
    obusheeshe n. morning.
    obushegu n. venom. Encwera eine obushegu bw’amaani. A cobra has deadly venom.
    obushekyere n. millet: millet planted on land that has not been tilled before.
    obushema n. igonarance: limited knowledge about something.
    obushenda-bagyenyi n. high cheek bornes: two bones at the top of the cheeks just below the eye and towards the ear.
    obushera n. porridge: the mixture of millet and other cereals with hot or cold water.
    obushezya-migyere n. behaviour where one likes to lament and cry.
    obushoberwa n. a situation where one cannot facilitate oneself with the basic needs of life such as food and clothes. or control over something or other people.
    obushomankuzi n. the act of being corrupt and having fraudulent behaviour.
    obushomesa n. 1) the teaching profession. **2) religious leadership.
    obushongokye n. enlightened though tutelage.
    obushugaane n. possessing virginity. See: OKUSHUGAANA.
    obushuma n. 1) theft: the crime of stealing. **2) being mean: a situation of not giving out one’s things to people even if they are in need.
    obushuuriita n. threads which have come out of a piece of cloth and are hanging.
    obushuuru n. tribute: a gift that is intended to show gratitute, respect or admiration.
    obushwere n. marriage: the legal relationship between a husband and wife.
    obusibuko n. origin: one’s ancenstry.
    obusinde n. small tills: Pieces of cultivated land as one prepares land for crops to be planted.
    obusindura n. beads usually blue in colour.
    obusinguzi n. success or victory: a state of prosperity or fame. Ninkwendeza obusinguzi. I wish you success.
    obusingye n. 1) peace: a state of calm or rest without any problem. Abantu baine obusingye. People have peace. **2) a situation in which there is no war between countries or groups of people.
    obusinzi n. habitual intoxication: prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks leading to a breakdown in health and an addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms.
    obusiri n. hook worms: long thin creatures that live in the intestines of humans and other animals which can cause disease.
    obusiru n. stupidity: inability to understand or to learn from experience.
    obusito n. young pregnancy of a heifer or cow.
    obuso n. forehead. the part of the face above the eyebrows and the normal hair line.
    obusukusuku n. edible mushrooms that tends to grow singly in banana plantations.
    obusuzi n. bed bugs: these are small blood sucking bugs that infests especially beds and feeds on human blood.
    obusya n. newness: the quality of being new.
    obuta n. an instrument used to shoot arrows.
    obutaahi n. neighbourliness: a sorrounding or nearby area.
    obutaahiro n. entrance: something that provides access (to get in or get out).
    obutaaho n. shelter or dwelling place.
    obutaanyi n. indecent play of young girls.
    obutaanyure n. trachoma. See: OBURANGURA. obutaara adj. used to mean very big. obutagatsi n. warmth: the quality of being warm.
    obutahurira n. being obstinate and stubborn: refusal to obey rules.
    obutahurira n. deafness: lacking the power of hearing or impaired hearing.
    obutaijuka n. failure to remeber. Obutaijuka bwawe nabwo butukabize. We are tired of your failure to remember.
    obutaitsya adj. hard working: to work very hard without giving yourself a break.
    obutaka n. to be on the ground, usually used in a fight, wrestling or slides. Mutamba akakiriza Bwengye yaamuta obutaka. Mutamba lifted Bwengye and put him down on the ground.
    obutakura n. retarded growth: failure to grow. Obutakura bwa Jacinta butumire omurumuna yaamukira. Jacita’s sister has grown faster than her because Jacita has a stanted growth.
    obutamanya n. ignorance: lack of knowledge or information about something. Bakamwiba ahabw’obutamanya bwe. They cheated him because of his ignorance.
    obutami n. weaving fibres or materials used to make baskets, usually from papyrus reeds.
    obutare n. iron ore: a rock containing iron. Omuri Karamoja nibatimbayo obutare. They mine iron ore in Karamoja.
    obutariza n. bracelets: ornamental bands, hoop, or chains worn in the waist or arm. Muhara wa Muhumuza ajwire obutariza aha mukono. Muhumuza’s daughter is wearing bracelets on the arm.
    obutatiina n. 1) fearlessness: a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. Obutatiina bukamureetera kwita ekicuncu. His braveness led him to kill a lion. **2) failure to respect. Obutatiina bazaire be kikamureetera kubingwa omu kika. His lack of respect for his parents led him to being disowned from the clan.
    obutatsi n. espionage: the act of monitoring or spying on someone.
    obuteebaasa n. the state of being unable to do something on your own or inability to fend for oneself. Obuteebaasa n’endwara. Inability is a disease.
    obuteegi n. See: OBUTAHURIRA.
    obuteeka n. orderlineess: a condition of regular or proper arrangement.
    obuteera-kishaka n. money given to someone who has looked for herbs in the bush in search of medicine.
    obuteerante n. a grass specie: this grass is tall and is used to make brooms.
    obutega-maisho n. a condition where one waits to be provided and looked after. Okumanyiira obutega-maisho ishe ku yaafiire owaabaire amuha yaabonabona. His habit of waiting to be provided brought him misery after his father’s death, who used to provide for him.
    obutegyeki n. 1) governance: the act of governing; exercising authority. **2) regime. Akafa omu butegyeki bw’Amin. He died during Amin’s regime.
    obutembwe n. sores that appear on the throat as a result of an infection. Akarwara obutembwe bwamuremesa kurya. She could not eat because she has sores on the throat.
    obutemu n. murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Obutemu bukanyire omu ndembo. There is increased murder in towns.
    obutere n. sores that appear in the mouth due to an infection. Obutere bwanzibira okurya. Sores in the mouth have stopped me from eating.
    obuterezi n. a slippery ground especially when it rains.
    obuteta n. a state of speech impairment caused by sickness or abnormality at birth. Mugisha ebi arikugamba tibikayetegyerezibwa ahabw’obuteta. You cannot understand what Mugisha says because of his speech impairment. obutetsi n. pampering: a state of being spoilt out of having been attended so much in early childhood.
    obutiini n. fear or cowardice: a state of being a coward.
    obutiiti n. small round beads with a hole inside that are put on a thread and worn by women in the waist. Etym: []. Sing: akatiiti.
    obutingwa n. sodomy/homosexuality: having sexual intercourse with a person of the same sex. obutingwa adv. being promiscuous: having many sexual partners. Omukazi ogu aine obutingwa. This woman is promiscuous.
    obutirigye n. it refers to the style of hair dressing.
    obutirima n. the bubbles the baby makes in its language development.
    obutiti n. coldness: having a lower than usual temperature. This weather is very cold. Obwire obu n’obw’obutiti.
    obutitizi n. feeling coldness: the sensation produced by low temperatures. Kigezi hariyo obutitizi bw’amaani omu kasheshe kare. Kigezi is always very cold early in the morning.
    obuto n. youth: the time of life between childhood and maturity. Omu buto bweitu tukaba nituriisa embuzi. During our youth we used to graze goats.
    obutoigo n. millet sowing time. See: EIBIBA.
    obutojo n. chickenpox: a disease that attacks children with a mild fever and a lot of red spots or rash on the skin. Var: ebitojo.
    obutoko n. porridge from sorghum that is cold at the time of drinking it.
    obutonaatone n. dots: small round marks especially when printed on a cloth or paper. Omu kiteeteeyi kyangye harimu obutonaatone. There are dots in my dress. Var: obutone.
    obutondagiriro n. a big piece of wood put across the rivers so that people can cross from one side to the other.
    obutondogozi n. abnormality: features or charasteristics in a person’s body or behaviour that is not usual and may be harmful, worrying or cause illness. obutondogozi bw’omwana tibukumwikiriza kushoma. a childs abnormality can not allow him or her to study.
    obutone n. See: OBUTONAATONE.
    obutongore n. doing something officially. Yaamwanjura omu butongore. He was introduced officially.
    obutooka n. period of germination.
    obutooro n. the way out of a situation, problem. Akaita omuntu mbwenu hati taine butooro. He killed a person now he does not have where to go for hiding.
    obutoosha adv. always: at all times. Naaza aha ishomero obutoosha. She always goes to school. See: BURIIJO.
    obutoroogo n. prematurely born foetus or children. Nakira kuzara obutoroogo. She usually produces premature children.
    obutsigazi n. the state of being a youth in male humans.
    obutunda n. Sing: akatunda. 1) passion fruits: fruits used for making juice. **2) passion fruit plants.
    obutungi n. wealth.
    obutunguru n. onions.
    obuturukiro n. the place or moment when something appears and becomes visible. Obuturukiro bwe tiburikumanywa gye. His origins are not well known. See: OBURUGO.
    obuturuturu n. dawn: very early in the morning at around 6 a.m. Var: oruturuturu.
    obutuuku n. pumpkins: young or immature pumpkins.
    obutuura n. 1) settlement: a place where people live. **2) usual way of life. **3) grave.
    obutuzi n. mushrooms: edible fungi that grow on antihills, are white in colour and have small short stems.
    obutwa n. poison: a substance that causes harm or death if it is swallowed or absorbed in the body.
    obutware n. a system of government in place at a particular time in a defined territory.
    obutwariro n. container: a box or anything in which something can be stored or transported.
    obutwire adv. 1) an indefinate period of time. Bakaija kutuura aha obutwire. They came to live here forever. **2) often times.
    obuyonjo n. the condition of being without dirt. Aha muheru gwa taamu mukuru w’eishomero akagaba ebirabo by’obuyonjo. At the end of the term the headmaster gave out presents for cleanliness.
    obuyoobe n. small groups. Ogwo mwishiki aine obuyoobe bwingi. This girl has many small groups.
    obuyungiro n. a point where different things have been joined together. Pl: obuyungiro.
    obuzaahe n. the state and period of being in exile.
    obuzaana n. (of females) the condition and period of being a slave.
    obuzaare n. kinship: the way a person is related to another in the family or clan.
    obuzaariranwa n. an inborn quality or trait: inheritability.
    obuzaarwa n. place of birth. Obuzaarwa bwangye ni Kanungu. My place of birth is Kanungu.
    obuzahambuki n. acting as a rogoue.
    obuzaire n. parenthood: the state of being a parent. Aine emirimo y’obuzaire mingi. She has many responsibilities of parenthood.
    obuzibira n. a plant that has small leaves and it has medicinal properties.
    obuzigu n. enmity. Ogu mwana aretsireho obuzigu omuka yaitu. This child has caused enmity in our family.
    obuzimba n. being swollen. Akahendeka okuguru obuzimba bwahika omu kuju. She broke her leg and it swell up to the knee.
    obuzimya-kwezi n. eclipse of the moon. Nyomwebazo habaireho obuzimya-kwezi. Yesterday there was an eclipse of the moon. See: OBWIRA-KABIRI.
    obuzinio n. bones showing below hips. Omushuma bamuteire eisasi omu buzinio yahutaara. Te thief was shot below the hips and he got injured.
    obuzinzi n. bandity: violent behaviour intended to hurt or kill someone. Beetegwire kukora obuzinzi aha muntu weena oraabahemure. They are ready to do violence to anyone who stands in their way.
    obuzire n. useless, hopeless, rubbish or devastating things.
    obuzo n. a place of refuge. Bakamubinga omuka yabura obuzo. She was chased away from home and she failed to get where to take refuge.
    obwabe n. headache: pain that is felt in the head.
    obwagi n. desparate need: the condition in which one is in serious need of help without which one may not survive. John agira obwagi bw’ebyokurya haihi buri mwaka. John is always in desparate need for food almost every year.
    obwagimba n. sorghum covers.
    obwahati adv. currently: presently. obwahati nyine omurimo ogu ndakora. Currently I have a job I am doing.
    obwajaaba adj. plenty or ample amount of something. Embaga yangye ekaba erimu obwajaaba bw’ebyokurya. My party had plenty of food.
    obw’akanwa n. an infection of the mouth with sores that often affect young children. Omwana we arwaire obwakanwa. His child has a sore infection in the mouth. Var: obwomukanwa.
    obwaku n. echo: the sound that is reflected or repeated after the original one has stopped. Nimpurira obwaku bw’enyondo omu kibira. I am hearing the hammering echo in the forest. See: OBURAKAARE.
    obwamanga n. an alarm that is made to scare birds.
    obwamaraaya n. prostitution: the habit of sleeping with different sexual partners for money. Obwamaraaya bwe naabukorera omu rurembo. She practices prostitution in town.
    obwambari n. 1) state of being of mixed parentage between subgroups in Ankole. **2) service offered in the palace.
    obwambere adv. long ago. Obwambere abakazi bakaba batarya enkoko. Long time ago women were not supposed to eat chicken.
    obwambizo n. material things that are given to the people in need as aid or help. John akaha obwambizo bwa burangiti ikumi abantu b’omu nkambi y’empungi. John gave out ten blankets to the people living in refugee camps.
    obwambure n. a feeling of emptiness or lack e.g. when one feels the lack of something he or she is used to, like a watch. Eshaaha yangye bagiibire ni

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – Y

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – Y


    yaaya n. baby seater: someone who looks after a young baby.
    yaayaayaaya n. a word used to indicate an affirmative response.
    yunifoomu n. uniform: a special set of clothes worn by all members of an organisation or institution. Etym: [].

  • Runyankore to English Dictionary – P

    Runyankore to English Dictionary – P


    P n. the sixteenth letter of the alphabet.
    paa int. a sound made/produced when something is shot or brought down.
    paagyema n. pyjama: a pair of loose trousers tied by a drawstring around the waist; worn by men and women.
    paapa n. pope: the top most catholic church leader who is greater than the bishop. Pl: paapa.
    paasi n. a flat iron: a device used in making clothes clean.
    paasika n. Easter day: the day when christians remember the death and resurection of Jesus Christ.
    pakupaku int. the person who gets annoyed very quickly.
    pamba n. cotton: a soft silky fibrous substance from cotton plants used for making thread. Pl: pamba.
    patana n. pattern: the arrangement of lines, words, sharpes or colours (especially in decorating or designing).
    patana n. button: a small usually round piece of
    metal or plastic that is sown onto a piece of clothing.
    patana3 n. contract: to do a work in a specified time
    and for a specified amount of money.
    pee adj. a sound made by somebody to show disagreement; it is accompanied by shaking a head or a hand.
    piini n. pin. Var: pini. Etym: English.
    pikipiki n. motorcycle: a road vehicle with two wheels driven by an engine with a seat for the driver and onother for the passenger.
    po adj. a word used to mean that something appears or looks so good, clean and indusive.
    po adj. a sound or noise that is made when someone is hitting something with a hammer.
    pokopoko n. campaign: a series of planned political
    poosi-ruhumbe activities that are intended to achieve a particular objective especially winning an election.
    poosi adj. a sip of something.
    potoro adj. patrol: the act of going to different places, areas or building by security personnel to ensure that there is no trouble or crime.
    pukonyo n. See: MAISHO-ANA.