PRONOUNS – Runyankore to English
Ou; Whom
Abo; They/them
Nyowe; I
Iwe; You
We ;He/she
itwe; We
Imwe; You (pl)
Bo ;they
N ; I, me
Tu ; we
O ; You
Mu ; You
A ; he/she
Ba – They
Ndi ;I am
Ori; You are (singular)
Ari ;He/she is
Turi; We are
Muri; You are
Bari; They are
Naanye; And I Naitwe Mu-ba
Naiwe ;And you Naimwe Mu-ba
Nakyo; And he/she Nabo Mu-ba
Nakwo ;And it Nabyo Mu-ba
Nabwo; And it Nago Bu-ma
Naryo ;And it Nago Ri-ma
Nagwo;And it Nayo Mu-mi
Narwo; And it Nazo Ru-n
Nako ;And it Nabwo Ka-bu
Nayo ;And it Nazo n-n
Kyo;It Byo Ki-bi
Kwo ;It Go Ku-ma
Bwo ;It Go Bu-ma
Ryo ;It Go Ri-ma
Gwo ;It Yo Mu-mi
Rwo ;It Zo Ru-n
Ko ;It Bwo Ka-bu
yo ;it Zo n-n
Nyenka; I alone Twenka We alone
Wenka; You
alone; Mwenka
Wenka; He/she alone
Bonka ;They alone
Nkaita enjoka nyenka;I killed a snake alone.
Baagyenda bonka.;They have gone alone.
Aine ebitabo byonka.;He has books only.
Mukarya embuzi ibiri zonka.;You ate two goats only.
Ente nizirya zonka.;Cows are grazing alone.
Wangye ;Mine Bangye(plural)
Kyangye ;Mine Byangye(plural)
Kwangye ;Mine Gangye(plural)
Bwangye ;Mine Yangye(plural)
Gwangye ;Mine Gangye(plural)
Ryangye; Mine Zangye(plural)
Kangye ;Mine Bwangye(plural)
Yangye; Mine Zangye(plural)
Nyine; I have(postive) Tiinyine(negative)
Oine ;you have (singular) toine(negative)
Aine ;he/she has taine(negative)
Twine; we have titwine(negative)
Mwine ;you have (plural) timwine
Baine ;they have tibaine(negative)
Kiine ;it has biine(plural)
Kwine ;it has gaine(plural)
Gwine ;it has eine(plural)
Riine ;it has gaine(plural)
Rwine; it has ziine (plural)
Kaine ;it has bwine(plural)
Eine ;it has
Kiine; it has biine(plural)
Kwine; it has gaine(plural)
Gwine; it has eine(plural)
Riine; it has gaine(plural)
Rwine; it has ziine (plural)
Kaine; it has bwine(plural)
Eine ;it has
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