Runyankore to English Dictionary – D
d n. the forth letter of the Roman alphabet.
daa n. the sound made by a sheep.
daburokara n. double colour. Etym: [
dainingi n. dining room. Etym: [
dereeva n. driver. Var: duriiva. Etym: [
diguri n. degree: a qualification offered by a university to person who has completed a courseof study. Etym: [
Diisi n. District Commissioner.
diporoma n. diploma: qualification attained in higher institutions of learning. Var: dipuroma. Etym: [
dipuroma See: DIPOROMA.
disiko n. discotheque. Etym: [
disiturikiti n. district: a local government administrative unit that heads the counties, sub-counties, parishes, etc. Etym: [
doboro adj. double: twice as much. Etym: [
doodo n. pig weed: a green vegetable. Amaranthus_Species.
doora n. dollar: the basic monetary unit used in the US and other countries. Etym: [
duriiva n. See: DEREEVA.
duuka-mukono n. hawker: a person who moves from place to place selling goods.
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