Runyankore to English Dictionary – A

Runyankore to English Dictionary – A


a n. first letter of the Roman alphabet.
aa int. a word used to express wonder, surprise or astonishment.
aba adj. these: used to refer to more than one person.
Aba n’aboojo. These are boys.
aba prep. of, for: belonging to a person or place. Aba Kampala. The ones of Kampala.
abaana n. See: OMWANA. abaana school children. abaanyu n. someone’s relatives.
abaawe n. a word used to refer to one’s family members.
abacwezi n. a group of people who are believed to have lived in the ancient Nkole kingdom and were associated with spiritual powers. Sing: omucwezi.
abahitsi n. undertakers for burrying a king. Sing: omuhitsi.
abahuruzi n. warriors: soldiers with experience and skill in fighting especially in the past. Abahuruzi baaraba aha beekoreire ebintu ebi baanyaga. Worriors have passed here carrying loot. Sing: omuhuruzi.
abaitu n. our relatives: a word used to refer to my relatives.
abambari n. (in Ankole kingdom) favoured male people who used to work in the palace. Sing: omwambari.
abaregye n. enemies: people who are not on one’s side, opposers, competitors. Pl: omuregye.
abaregyera n. a type of cows that are known for moving very fast and can move long distances.
abarongo n. See: AMAHASHA.
abaroreezi n. onlookers: uninvited people who watch what is going on at a ceremony. Sing: omuroreezi.
abarungi adj. Sing: omurungi. 1) beautiful or good looking people. **2) good hearted people.
abaryakamwe n. intimate friends: people who share common interests.
abashendekyereza n. See: abashendekyeza.
abashendekyeza n. people who accompany a bride when she is getting married. See: ENSHAGARIZI. Var: abashendekyereza. Sing: omushendekyeza.
abashomi n. believers or religious people those who have faith. Sing: omushomi.
abashomi n. See: OMUSHOMI.
abatangaaza n. a name that was given to the cows for Ntare one of the former kings of Ankole.
abatangaazi n. people who brought cows to Buganda when there was drought in Ankole in the first half of the 20th century. Sing: omutangaazi.
abateruzi n. Sing: omuteruzi. 1) potters: men
who carry luggage. **2) people who used to lift makeshift brides.
abatuukurani n. (in ancient times) people who were killed by swords or spears. Sing:omutuukurani.
Abayonga n. dark people especially of the Bahinda clan. Sing: Omuyonga.
abaziiki n. mourners: people who attend a burial. Sing: omuziiki.
abaziiki n. undertakers. Sing: omuziiki.
abeeteeraine n. people who come together for a common cause.
agandi int. greeting: how are you? Agandi sebo? How are you, sir?
ahaasi prep. See: AHANSI.
ahabiso adv. an unclosed place and abit distant. Var: ebiso.
ahabiso adv. in future.
ahabw’okuba conj. because. Var: ahakuba.
ahagati adv. 1) between: bordered by two things. **2) being at the centre.
ahaifo adv. a place at a lower level compared to the other.
ahaiguru adv. above: the space above something.
ahakuba conj. See: AHABWOKUBA.
ahamaisho n. face: front part of the head that comprises of the eyes, nose and the mouth.
ahamusikye adv. See: AHARUBAJU.
ahamweija adv. a word used to refer to a place already talked about and known to two or more people.
ahandi pron. 1) somewhere: undisclosed place.**2) elsewhere: another place.
ahansi adv. the place beneath, or under. Usage: Kiga. Var: ahaasi.
ahantu pron. an area, or part of region or place.
ahanyima adv. indicating sequence of events. Ahanyima ho tukaba twateisize ngu tuze kumutaayaayira. Earlier on we had agreed to go and visit her. See: ENYIMA. Var: bwanyima.
ahanyima adv. afterwards.
aharubaju adv. on the side out of other people’s hearing. See: AHAMUSIKYE.
aharuguru adv. raised area: an area that is above the other in terms of position.
aheekiikire adv. a place which cannot be easily seen or accessed.
aheeru adv. 1) outside: out of a designated place. **2) aheeru adv.
aho adv. there: at a particular position of a place.
ahonaaho adv. 1) quickly: acting swifly. **2) increasing on the pace of doing something.**3) doing something in time.
ai int. 1) often used when a person is annoyed or shocked. **2) a response to something bad, e.g. pain.
ai-nuunu phr. expression to mean oh, how good! ai nuunu phr. expression to mean oh, how good! aima int. expression of disgust: shame up on you!
aitu adj. us/our: belonging to or connected with a group that one is part of. Ente yaitu ebuzire. Our cow got lost.
akaabunga n. up in the sky.
akaakiiro n. thirst: too much urgue for something to drink. See: EKYAKA.
akaaku n. trunk of an elephant that it uses for feeding and protection.
akaamunaana n. exaggeration: explaining beyond the truth of the matter.
akaanirampanga n. hawk: a bird of prey with hooked bill and sharp eye sight.
akaano n. valley: low lying part between hills. Enjura egwire akaano kaijura amaizi. It rained and filled the valley.
akaanya n. 1) shortest period of time. Nimbaasa kugambaho naiwe akaanya kakye? Can I talk to you for a moment? **2) distance: space between people or things. Kuruga aha irwariro kuhika owaabo hariho akaanya. It is a bit far from the hospital to their home.
akaanya-bwanya n. a short time: shortest time possible.
akaara-kahera n. toe or inger: small finger. empeta akagijwara omu kaara-kahera. He put the ring in the smallest finger. Pl: obwara-buhera.
akaari n. ululation: a loud cry of happiness or excitement.
akaaro n. small village: a group of households in a rural setting. See: EKYARO. Pl: otwaro, obwaro.
akaatika n. small crack: a line on the surface of something along which it has split. Enyungu egi eine akaatika. This pot has got a crack. Pl: obwatika.
akaaya n. a type of swamp.
akabaaho n. Pl: otubaaho, obubaaho.1) small piece of timber: a sawed piece of wood.**2) a designed piece of wood that is inserted in the nose of a calfto stop it from suckling. See: ORUBAAHO.
akabaaho n. gallows: a place where convicts arehanged.
akabaare n. blackstone: a small stone used for sucking venon from the body.
akababa-bahiigi n. a small caterpillar.
akababagazi n. initial stage of flowering. Obushaza bwahika aha kababagazi. Peas have reached the flowering stage.
akabanda n. pancake: a thin flat round cake of sweetened dough, yellow bananas and cassava flour. Usage: NK. Pl: otubanda, obubanda.
akabi n. danger or trouble: likehood of being injured or killed.
akabibiro n. small basket: small seed basket that is used in sowing. Usage: Nkole.
akabibiro n. verandah: covered area outside a house which is often enclosed.
akabindi n. nose of a buffalo or hyena.
akabindirano adv. to be taken in an impromptu manner. Bamutwarire omu kabindirano k’okukwata embura-mukoro. He was taken in an impromptu operation to arrest idlers.
akabindirano adv. unditional excessive love: love galore.
akabogye n. sitting sideways with legs tucked inward. Omushaija yaashitama kabogye. The man is seated with his legs tucked inward.
akabonero n. 1) a sign: a sign of a cross. Yaakora akabonero k’omusharaba arikutaaha omu iramizo. He made a sign of the cross when he was entering the church. **2) a mark used to show evidence or meaning of something. See: AKAMANYISO.
akabubi n. hymen: vagina membrane.
akabumbuzo n. calm place: a place where everything is peaceful.
akaburyo n. hillock: small hill.
akabuuza n. question mark: a punctuation mark used to pause a question. Pl: otubuuza, obubuuza.
akaca n. sparrow-hawk. Akaca kaatwara akaana k’enkoko. A sparrow-hawk has taken a chick. Pl: obuca.
akacabari n. the act of stroking the clitoris during sexual intercourse.
akacancabari n. rags: an old torn cloth. Pl:
otucancabari, obucancabari.
akacebe n. See: AKAGARANI. Pl: otucebe, obucebe.
akaceceko n. lull, silence: a quiet moment.
akacencuzo n. a sieve. Pl: obucencuzo.
akaceremete n. a person who is thin and short.Var: ekiceremete.
akacookore n. blemish.
akacookorekane n. detail: many small facts about something or someone.
akacuju n. a very old cloth. Usage: Nkole. Pl: otucuju, obucuju.
akacumu n. pen: instrument for writing in ink. Omushomesa yaahandiikisa akacumu karikutukura omu kitabo kyangye. The teacher has written in my book with a red pen. Pl: obucumu.
akacurama n. bat: a flying mammal. Usage: Kiga.Pl: obucurama.
akacwa mabunu n. penis. Usage: euphemism.
akacwabazaire n. millipede: very small insect with a long narrow body and many pairs of legs. Usage: Nkole. Etym: [].
akacwa-mboro n. See: AKACWA-BAZAIRE. akacwa-mburara n. a type of snake. akacwankoni n. a noctunal bird that whistles. akacwano adj. something done excessively.
Rukondo yaabo n’ey’akacwano. They love each other so much.
akadeeya n. a sack made of sythentic fibres.
Eibiikiro riijwire obudeeya bw’ebicoori. The store is full of sucks of maize. Var: akadeeyi, akareeya. Pl: obudeeya, otudeeya.
akadobo n. pail or bucket. Titwayeshera nte
ahabw’okuba akadobo kaatikire. We have not given water to the cows because the bucket got broken. Pl: otudobo, obudobo.
akaduukuru n. cell: a small room in a prison.akafuba n. See: KAFUBA 2.
akafubire n. pornography: written or pictorial matter intended to arouse sexual feelings.
akafubire n. a task beset with unusual problems.
akafunzi n. fire-finch: a tiny reddish bird. Pl:obufunzi.
akagarani n. an air tight sealed container for preserving food, made of a tin plate or aluminium. Pl: obugarani.
akagayano n. See: AKAJOOGO.
akagiigya n. a certain type of grass normally planted in the compound.
akagiiko n. tea spoon: small spoon used for stirring tea. Pl: obugiiko.
akagirita n. razor blade: a sharp small razor that is used to shave or cut. Var: egirita. Pl: obugirita.
akagombambure n. ankle: a protruding bone where the leg is joined to the foot. Var:
akagombamburi. akagombamburi n. See: AKAGOMBAMBURE. akagoroda n. bungle: a bracelet.
akagwe n. calamity: unexpected bad situation.
akagyega n. basket with handles, used for shopping.
akagyegyena n. sieve: instrument used for seperating solids from liquids, coarser from finer particles. Pl: otugyegyena, obugyegyenda.
akagyenda-kahiire n. a brownish grasshopper. Naakwata eseeneene nyingi kwonka akagyenda kahiire ni kamwe. I have gathered many grasshoppers but there is only one brownish grasshopper.
akagyogo n. a small bottle of 250ml used for measuring spirits. Pl: obugyogo.
akahararo n. infatuation: the act of befriending or being in love with someone or something that is still new for a short period of time.
akahatano n. competetion for something. Nyomwabazyo haabaireho akahatano k’okuvuga emotoka. Yesterday there was a motor rally.
akaheehe n. excitement: a condition where someone gets excited on hearing or getting something good. Ti kirungi kugira akaheehe ebintu ebi bitakarabiremu. It is not good to get excited over things you have not yet recieved.
akaheehe n. peer influence: the act of doing something due to influence from people of the same age.
akahimba n. clitoris. Pl: obuhumba.
akaho n. an eye disease that causes temporaryloss of sight temporarily.
akahoiho n. a small moth. Akahoiho kagwa omu mate. A small moth has fallen in the milk. Var: akahwihwi.
akahoiho n. See: EBIHO. Var: akahweiho.
akahugye n. 1) confusion: a state of uncertainity about what is happening, what should be done, what something means, etc. Naashusha nk’oine akahugye. **2) mental disorder. Omwana akazaarwa aine akahugye. A child was born with a mental disorder.
akahumbi n. one billion: a number of things equivalent to one thousand millions; 1,000,000,000. Pl: obuhumbi.
akahuna n. a state of confusion. Omukazi akagwa omu kahuna ku baamazire kwiba enshaho ye. The woman was in a state of confusion after stealing her bag.
akahuna n. a game played by children where one taps another and the tapped child runs after the other to tap him or her also. Var: akahuuna.Pl: obuhuna.
akahundu n. Usage: Nkole. See: AKACURAMA. Pl:otuhundu, obuhundu.
akahungabeebe n. a small flying termite. Var:
akahungambeba. Pl: obuhungabeebe. akahungambeba n. See: AKAHUNGABEEBE. akahuumuro n. a short break from daily routine. akahuuna n. See: AKAHUNA2.
akahwihwi n. Pl: obuhwihwi, otuhwihwi.
akaiba n. a small dove which stays in the bush. Pl:obwiba, otwiba.
akaibo n. a small basket in which mingled millet is served. Pl: obwibo, otwibo.
akaicokombe n. See: AKAICOKOMBA.
akaimukiriro n. upraising: a state of confusion where people move up and down to show their disagreement.
akainiko n. the act of helping someone to complete the task.
akaishebakami n. space between the leg and the udder in a cow.akaisikonda n. See: AKASIKINA.
akaitanda n. a tiny snake-like lizard with a very smooth skin and normally found in dry grass. Pl: obwitanda.
akaitanyenje n. insect repellant: a tablet used to deter crawling insects from destroying clothes. Pl: obwitanyenje.
akajagararo n. See: AKAIMUKIRIRO. Pl:obujagararo.
akajagiro n. market: a place where people meet to buy and sell their goods. Pl: obujagiro. akajengyeijo n. See: AKAKYENCUZO. Pl:obujengyeijo.
akajoina n. See: AKACUJU. Pl: obujoina, otujoina.
akajoogano n. See: AKAJOOGO. akajoogo n. contempt. Pl: obujugo. akajugo n. a pen cover.
akajuma n. tablet: a small solid piece of medicine that is swallowed.
akajuma n. a small seed. Pl: obujuma.
akajunde n. stench: an unpleasant smell. Omu nju omu nihanuukamu akajunde. There is an unpleasant smell in this house.
akakaikuru n. one million. Nguzire eitaka naashashura akakaikuru kamwe. I bought land at one million shillings. Pl: obukaikuru.
akakangaasi n. See: AKAGOMBAMBURE. akakangaatsi n. See: AKAGOMBAMBURE. akakiiko n. Pl: obukiiko. 1) council, committee or subcommittee: a group of people elected to do a certain task. **2) short meeting. Twagiraho akakiiko k’eshaaha emwe. We had a short meeting for one hour.
akakiro n. a small hillock. Okutemba akakiro nikurusya. It is tiresome to climb a hillock. Pl: obukiro.
akakoki n. a small water course or a gulley: a small valley.
akakoma n. a rubber or plastic bracelet. Omwishiki ajwaire akakoma aha mukono. The girl is putting on a rubber or plastic bracelet on her arm.
akakondo n. a small cooking pot for beans that is made of clay. Pl: obukondo.
akakondo n. bolt: a sliding bar or metal for fastening a door or window. Pl: obukondo.
akakondo n. a high-heeled shoe. Pl: obukondo.
akakooko n. insect: a creature with six legs and body divided into three parts. Pl: obukooko.
akakooko n. germ, bacterium, virus: a living thing often too small to be seen without a microscope that causes infectious diseases in human beings, animals and plants. Bamukyebeire baashanga aine akakooko ka siriimu. They tested him and found that he has a virus that causes AIDS. Pl: obukooko.
akakwate n. relationship: the connection between two people or two things. Omushaija ogu mwineho akakwate kahango. I have a strong relationship with this man.
akakyencuzo n. sieve: a tool used for seperating larger solids from smaller ones. Oburo baabuta aha kakyencuzo kwihamu amabaare. They have put millet on the sieve to remove stones. Pl: obukyencuzo.
akakyenkye n. seed-tray musical instrumental: a traditional musical instrument in Kigezi and Ankole which produces sound after shaking. Pl: obukyenkye.
akame n. rabbit, hare: a small animal with soft fur, long ears, and a short tail which is kept by people as a pet or for food. Var: wakame. Pl: obume.
akameshu n. rat trap: a device used for trapping animals especially rats. Pl: obumeshu, otumeshu.
akamoori n. ventilator: an opening in the wall, especially on top of the window, which allows air in and out of the house. Ahaiguru y’edirisa hariho akamoori. There is a ventilator above the window. Pl: obumoori, otumoori.
akamwenyo n. smile: an expression of happiness expressed on one’s face. Ku baamugambira amakuru marungi, yaagira akamwenyo ahamaisho. When they told him the good news, there was a smile on his face.
akanaara n. booster: a device that helps to transmit sound in telecommunication equipment. Omu kyaro kyaitu harimu akanaara ka reediyo. There is a radio booster in our village. Pl: obunaara.
akanga-kaizi n. neither there nor here, just in between. Akagwa omu kanga kaizi. He had no specific place.
akangara-teete n. to suffer: to lead a hard life;staying outside with no shelte, living under harsh conditions.
akangari adj. plenty: a large number of things.Eriizooba yaateeka akangari k’ebitakuri. Today she has cooked a lot sweet potatoes.
akanono n. tip of the roof: the topmost part of the house. Bakatandikira aha kanono ku baabaire nibasheenya enju. When they were demolishing the house, they started from the top most part. Pl: obunono.
akanuriirizi n. sweet taste. Akanuriirizi k’omu switi kagikundisa abaana bato. The sweet taste in a sweet makes children like it.
akanwa n. mouth: the opening in the face used for speaking eating etc.
akanwa kabi adj. 1) foul mouth: saying things that are rude or offesive. **2) saying bad things which happen.
akanyaiganja n. an animal with paws such, as a cat, lion, dog, leopard, e.t.c.
akanyamakaakya n. one of the plants from whose stems a walking stick is made.
akanyampagara n. poor quality bunch of banana. Endeeberera mbi y’orutookye neetuma rwateera obunyampagara. Poor farming methods lead to poor quality bananas.
akanyampatiira n. state of being over crowded. Akanyampatiira k’abantu tikaanyikiriza kureeba purezidenti. I failed to see the president due to the presence of very many people.
akanyampira n. a small insect that stings the eye when it falls there.
akanyampiringita n. something shorter or smaller than others of the same type. Omukazi akazaara obwana bugufu bw’obunyampiringita. A woman gave birth to short dwarf children.
akanyamuhebe n. a small black and white bird with a long tail. Var: kanyamuhebe. Pl: obunyamuhebe.
akanyamukara n. nut grass.
akanyamukira n. dung maggot.
akanyamukira n. tad pole: a small amphibious creature that lives in water and developes into a frog.
akanyamuniini n. a fresh fried grasshopper.
akanyamuntinda n. small snail. See: EKINYANTINDA.
akanyamurera n. flute: a musical instrument. See: OMUKURI.
akanyamwenyi n. squirrel. See:AKATIINA-MUGOGO.
akanyancooni n. an undeveloped banana.
akanyangarara n. crack: a crack on a breakable item such as a door, glass, pot, calabash that lifespan is rendered uncertain. Enkyeka ey’akanyangarara otatamu amaizi. Do not put water into the cracked calabash .
akanyankogote n. tortoise: an animal that walks slowly and can pull its head and legs into the shell on its back. Nkashutamira akanyankogote nkeetsire eibare. I sat on the tortoise thinking it was a stone.
akanyantebo adv. hitting someone with a kick.
akanyarugondo n. 1) type of snake which is not poisonous. **2) spotted lizard found in sandy areas such as beaches, coasts or sand mines.
akanyarukira n. a black and white bird with a long tail.
akanyarutookye n. lourie: a type of bird commonly found in banana plantations.
akanyarutwe n. See: AKANYAMUKIRA.
akanyegyero n. See: AKATEMBO.
akanyiriri n. 1) verse or line: a group of words that form one section in the Bible. Usage: Catholics. **2) small line.
akanyitsi n. value: the minimum worth of something. Ogwo mwenda otagunaga gukiinemu akanyitsi. Do not throw away that cloth, it still has value.
akanyoga n. a banana in its early stages of development.
akanyomo n. a feeling of uncertainty. displeasure.
akanyongotoko adv. being over cooked or over ripe. Ebihimba byasya akanyongotoko, tibyanura. Beans were overcooked, they are not tasty.
akanyoomo n. contempt.
akanyoomoozano n. continuous disturbance or provocation.
akanyororo n. a tall, thin and slender person.
akanyuunya n. a type of grasshoppers which are not edible. Akanyuunya nikatamba kunyaara aha kitanda. The non edible grass hoppers cure bed wetting. Pl: obunyuunya.
akanyuunyambuzi n. a type of weed eaten by goats. Ageratum Conyzoides. Pl: obunyuunyambuzi.
akanyuunyarume n. shrub eaten by goats.
akanywanisa n. (grammar): hyphen (-). Pl: obunywanisa.
akanywero adj. a very tight cloth. Ajwaire empare y’akanywero. He is putting on tight trousers.
akapampari n. small piece resulting from much chipping.; (especially of machines) overused piece of metal. Egaari ye akagitomeza yaahinduka akapampari. He crashed his bicycle and rendered it almost useless.
akapiira n. condom: a thin rubber sheath that a man uses to cover his penis during sex, in order to prevent a woman from getting pregnant or for protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Pl: obupiira.
akapiira n. any ball game, e.g. football, netball, volleyball, basketball when refered to endearingly. See: OMUPIIRA.
akapimpiri n. dwarf: (of people) a short and small person. Pl: obupimpiri, otupimpiri.
akaraba mw’ishengyero phr. unintended interruption in a group.
akaradaari n. mustard seed.
akaragarika n. a crumb: a small fragment of bread or cake fallen under a table; that which has fallen e.g. leaves, grains, etc. Oburagarika bw’omugaati. Bread crumbs. Pl: oburagarika.
akaragariso n. a broom used to clean a baking pot. Pl: oburagariso.
akaragariso n. a wiper. Naakoresa akatambaara k’omungaro nk’akaragariso k’ebigyere. She uses a handkerchief to wipe her feet. Pl: oburagariso, oturagariso.
akaragwa n. inherited trait. Pl: oburagwa.
akaramata n. goose grass: a plant yielding red dye that can be made into ink.
akaranda-rugo n. a climbing plant that grows on fences. Akaranda-rugo aka kakuzire n’akokutema. This climbing plant has over grown it needs trimming.
akarande n. inherited character or trait. See: AKASHUSHO.
akarangizo n. a raised place from where one can view a surounding area. Makanga n’akarangizo karungi k’orurembo Kabale. Makanga is a good view of Kabale town.
akarebure n. a slunderous utterance.
akareega n. Pl: obureega. 1) bra: a lingerie used to support a woman’s breasts. **2) a tool used to straighten spokes of a bicycle.
akareesu n. a piece of cloth especially used by women to wrap their shoulders or tied around the waist to cover the rest of the body. Var: akareeso. Pl: obureesu.
akaregyeya n. Pl: oburegyeya, oturegyeya. 1) a hanging flap of a skin on an animal’s neck.
akaregyeya n. dewlap: a small sixth finger on some people’s hands. Ogwo mwojo aine akaregyeya aha ngaro. That boy has a dewlap on his hand. Pl: oburegyeya.
akareka n. tongue-tie: a vein under the tongue that causes impairment in speech. Omwana waaba otamushazire akareka tarikugamba gye. Unless you cut the vein under a child’s tongue, he will get impaired speech. Pl: obureka.
akarenga-bazaana n. dusk: time of day when the sun is almost setting. Yaija omu karenga- bazaana. He arrived at dusk. Var: ekirenga-bazaana.
akarengo n. a small measurement especially of grain or fruits.
akarengutuko n. a steep slope.
akarenzyo n. sarcasm. Ka noogambisa akarenzyo.You have a sarcastic tongue. akarera-baana n. See: OMUNYAAFU. akari n. lust for sex.
akaribareeta n. bonus: something good that you get in addition to what you have paid for. Nkagura ekitabo, bampa akaribareeta. I bought a book and was given bonus. Pl: oburibareeta.
akarigime n. 1) having bad company. **2) immorality caused by peer pressure.
akarigito n. See: ENDIGITO, AKAHEEHE.
akariibe n. peer pressure. Abaana bakabingwa ahabw’akariibe. Students were suspended from school because of peer group. See: AKARIGIME, AKAKUNGU.
akariigobe adv. a way of posturing which reflects carelessness; way of sitting. Ku yaaherize kurya yaashutama yaateera akariigobe yaayebwa ngu ashemereire kukora emirimo endiijo. After eating he sat carelessly, forgetting that he had to do other chores.
akariigobe adv. kind of whistling where lips are pressed between hands, and the breath forced through fingers to emit sound.
akariinyiriro n. pathway for riding or sliding especially using wooden or banana trees. Var: akariinyiro. Pl: oburiinyiriro.
akariinyiro n. See: AKARIINYIRIRO.
akarimi n. a minute or hour hand. Akarimi k’eshaaha kafiire. The minute hand of the clock does not work.
akarimi n. a small tongoue. Enjoka eine akarimi kakye. A snake has a small tongoue. Pl: oturimi, oburimi.
akarimi adj. way of talking, e.g. sweet-talking or lying. Akarimi kanyu karyabareeterera. Your toung will lead you into trouble. **2) pleading on behalf of someone. Nterayo akarimi. Please plead for me.
akarimi n. a nib.
akarindi n. See: AKARIIBE.
akarindi n. a small handle of a machete or knife. See: EKIRINDI.
akarogoijo n. anxiety: to be extremely worried or excited.
akarondo n. lineage. Omushaija akarondoora akarondo k’obuzaare bwabo. A man traced the lineage of their relationship.
akarongyero n. a hole on the side of a pit where they smoke bananas to ripen. Ebitookye byangye byangire kusya ahabw’okuba tindateire karongyero aha rwina. My bananas have not ripened because I did not put a hole hole next to the pit. Var: karongyero.
akarooro n. a wingless insect found on hens. Pl: oburooro.
akarugu n. one of the corners of the house. Pl: oburugu.
akarundirundi n. a rod of a bicycle that holds a pedal. Omwojo akatsindika egaari ahabwokuba ekaba etaine karundirundi. The boy pushed the bicycle because it did not have a pedal rod.
akarungi adj. something good, or beautiful. Kaaro karungi. A beatiful village.
akaruuru n. Pl: oburuuru. 1) elections. **2) a vote. akarwariro n. a clinic. Omu kyaro kyaitu harimu akarwariro akakye kamwe. There is only one clinic in our villge. Pl: oburwariro.
akasheeshe n. the period from the day break up to around 11am.
akashorya n. part of the structures that make the roof of a house . Omuyaga gw’amaani munonga guhuuhire gwatwara akashorya k’enju. A strong wind blew off the apex of the roof. Pl: obushorya, otushorya.
akashutamo n. a customs post: a border crossing associated with tax collection for countries.
akashuumo n. a steep slope. See: AKATSIRIMUKO. Pl: obushuumo.
akasikina n. hiccup: a sharp repeated sound in the throat caused by a sudden movement of the diaphram.
akasirimuko n. See: AKATSIRIMUKO.
akasooroora n. strong wind which moves in circular motion when there is an imbalace in the atmospheric pressure.
akataahira n. a young jigger that has just entered a person’s body. Akataahira akamutaahire omu kigyere nikamusaasa. The young jigger which entered his foot is paining him.
akatabarwa n. trillion: one of the cardinal numerals represented by 1, followed by 15 zeros “1,000,000,000,000,000. Pl: obutabarwa.
akatare n. Pl: obutare. 1) market: a place where goods and services are sold and bought. See: AKAJAGIRO. **2) a high demand for goods and services. Ebicoori biine akatare ebi biro. Maize have a high demand these days.
akatembo n. a steep hill or road.
akatiina-mugogo n. a kind of rodent black in colour and having a long bushy tail which climbs and runs on banana leaves. See: KAAMUGYE. Pl: obutiina-mugogo.
akatiina-mugogo n. a squirrel. See: AKANYAMWENYI.
akatima n. valve for a tyre. Pl: obutima.
akatima-kakye adv. inability or failure to resist temptation. Esente ezo otazireka aha meeza ow’akatima kakye naija kuzitwara. Do not leave that money on the table, someone who may not be able to resist temptations can pick it.
akatimba n. 1) a mesh is used to fence. Bazitiize ekiju ky’enkoko akatimba. The chicken’s house was fenced with wire mesh. **2) net: an open mesh material made of twine, code, rope usually typically for catching fish or trapping animals or birds. Bategire ekitimba omu ihamba kukwata enyamaishwa. They laid a net in the forest to trap animals. **3) wedding gown, dress.
akatimba n. Pl: obutimba. 1) wire mesh. Bazitiize ekiju ky’enkoko n’akatimba. The chicken’s house was fenced with wire mesh.**2) materials made of strings or ropes woven into a loose pattern with spaces in it for usage in fishing. Ekyenyanja kikwateire omu katimba. The fish is hurked by a net. **3) a material tha stops mosquitoes from entering a house or bed.**4) a wedding gown or dress.
akatindi n. a small hut. See: AKAFUUHA.
akatogo n. 1) African: a dish or type of food prepared by mixing food with sauce. Akatogo k’emondi zitahaasire n’ebihimba kanuzire munonga. A mixed meal of unpealed irish potatoes and beans is very deliciuous. **2) a mixture or a combination of many different things. Ku naagiire kutaahamu, naashanga kari akatogo k’Abatooro, Abakiga hamwe n’Abanyankore. When I entered I found it was a mixture of Batooro, Bakiga and Banyankore.
akatonera n. See: OMUTONERA. Pl: obutonera.
akatoonyezo n. full stop or period: a dot that indicates the end of a sentence. Pl: obutoonyezo.
akatsintsimuko n. a sloppy place. Usage: Nkole. Var: akasinsimuko.
akatsirimuko n. a gentle slope: a gentle slope along the road or path. Akatsirimuko aka ni karungi k’abavugi b’egaari. This gentle slope is good for cyclists. Var: akasirimuko.
akatuyo n. stench: a distinctive smell that is produced by rotten things.
akaveera n. plastic sheeting. Pl: obuveera, otuveera.
akavugankande n. creeping plant: a plant that creeps on other plants in the bush and covers a wide area.
akavumba n. offals of a pig: internal organs of a pig.
akavuruga n. See: AKAVURUGYE. Pl:obuvurugye.
akavurugye n. confusion: a state of disorder that results into inability to think clearly or to know what to do. Okufa kwa ishebo kukareeta akavurugye omuka yaabo. The death of their father brought total confusion in their home.
akavurugye n. eye cataract: a disease which, if not treated early results into a white spot in the eye. Var: akavuruga. Pl: obuvurugye.
akayengo n. small basket: a small weaved container made for carrying or measuring things. Maama ampaire akayengo k’oburo. My mother gave me millet in a small basket.
akaze n. habbit: something that you do often and is normally hard to stop.
akazoore n. madness: a condition that is associated with mental illness. Var: akazoori.
akeediimo n. a strike: an organised boycott. Bakongeza ebishare by’eishomero, abaana baakora akediimo kumara esande yoona. They increased school tuition and students went on strike for a week.
akeerenguturo adv. emptying a container by gulbing its contents.
akooya n. the act of eating food when one has not done anything to deserve it. Eriizooba waariira akooya. Today you have eaten but you did not contribute anything. Allah n. God in Islamic religion.
amaani n. power, strength: being healthy; having energy to do something.
amaarwa n. beer: an alcoholic drink.
amabano n. the end of the arrow used to put a wire or a coil. See: EIBANO.
amabara n. spots of different colours. Njweire esaati y’amabara maingi. I am wearing a multi coloured shirt. Sing: eibara.
amabwabwa n. dog teats.
amacanda n. sunflower: plants with yellow flowers that produce edible seeds rich in oil. Amacanda ni kimwe aha bintu ebirikukorwamu buto. Helianthus_Annuus. Sun-flower is one raw material of cooking oil. Sing: eicanda.
amacunda n. milk that remains after ghee has beenextracted.
amacwa n. See: AMAHIIMA.
amacwante n. saliva: the fluids in the mouth.
amadaara n. Sing: eidaara. 1) ladder. **2) staircase.
amadaraka n. being stylish.
amafa n. a period of severe famine. Omushana gukajwa gwasiga amafa omu kyaro. Drought left much famine in the village.
amafakubi n. faeces: waste from the body of human beings. Ref: AMAZI Usage: euphemism.
amafaranga n. Rwandese currency. Etym: []. Sing: eifaranga.
amafura n. hospitable people. Sing: efura. amagaari n. See: EGAARI. Sing: egaari. amagana n. used to refer to many things, usually more than one hundred. Taata aine amagana ana g’embuzi. My father has four hundred goats. Sing: eigana.
amaganga n. cattle urine: waterly animal excrete that is discharged through the urethra.
amaganya n. sorrow: a feeling of distress or sadness as a result of deep loss, disappointment or calamity.
amagara n. life or health: the ability to produce, grow new forms that distinguishes living animals and plants from dead ones and rocks.
amagarama n. the stage in the growth of beans when it has about three leaves.
amagezi n. knowledge: the information, understanding and skills that a person has acquired through experience or education. Omwana muto taine magyezi g’okutaanisa ekibi n’ekirungi. A baby has no knowledge of good and bad. Var: amagyezi.
amagingo n. time: any time of day or night. Amagingo aga, barahi? Where are they at this time.
amagoba n. profits or interests.
amagondo n. spots. Ente yangye y’amagondo ebuzire. My spotted cow is lost. Sing: eigondo.
amagyani n. tea leaves: a plant whose leaves are harvested, ground and put in hot water to be drunk as a beverage.
amahaane n. conflicts, intrigues, etc.
amahame n. facts: matters of the heart.
amahanga n. 1) countries or nations. **2) different peoples or tribes.
amahanga n. a place described to be at a distance.
amahano n. See: EIHANO.
amahasha n. twins: two children born at the same time to the same mother. Var: emphasha.
amahaze n. abomination: doing something that is against one’s culture and tradition. Bahemika akozire amahaze g’okuhamba nyina. Bahemuka comitted


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