Chichewa To English Dictionary – M

Chichewa To English Dictionary – M


Madoda*Older men; Elders
Maloto*1. Dreams. 2. Aspirations. 3. Hopes.
Manja lende*Laziness. Unwillingness to work or
do task regardless of the available
resources and capabilities.
Sometimes used as a derogatory
term for cash transfer programmes.
Masalamusi*1. Superstition. 2. Magic
Masamba a mchezo*Social media
Masewera*1. Lack of seriousness; playful
attitude. 2. Sports
Masomphenya*1. Vision. 2. Mission. 3. Goal. 4.
Maso ndi maso*Face to face
Matenda a mgonagona*Chronic illness.
Matsenga*1. Superstition. 2. Magic
Mbaula*1. Stove. 2. Heater. 3. Charcoal
Mfumu*Traditional authority; Chief.
Mgwazo*1. Implementing haphazardly. 2. A
system of manual work where you
knock off when you finish your
Migodi*1. Mines. 2. Extracting precious
minerals from the ground.
Mkombaphala*Nursery school
Mkumano*1. Meeting. 2. Dialogue; Discussion.
Mkomya*Preparing delicious food for the
loved one.
Mkute*1. Leftover food especially nsima. 2.
Refers to the job that was not
finished and has been carried to the
following day.
Mlangizi*1. Extension workers. 2. Advisor;
Mlembi wankulu*Secretary who takes minutes during
Mlingo*1. Quantity. 2. Scale. 3. Extent.
Mmera mpoyamba *The beginning matters. This is used
to refer to Early Childhood
Development (nursery schools).
Mpando*Chair. The top leadership position in
a certain group.
Mphamvu*1. Power. 2. Strength. 3. Authority
Mphamvu ku wanthu*Decentralisation. Communities’
right to decide.
Mphepo ya mkuntho*Heavy blowing wind; Cyclone.
Mpingo*1. Crowd. 2. Congregation.
Mpungwepungwe*1. Commotion. 2. Confusion. 3.
Where groups or people have failed
to agree.
Mtukulapakhomo*1. Social protection. 2. Cash
transfer. 3. Livelihood. 4. Household
development. This phrase refers to
the provision of livestock and
monetary assistance to provide
relief to poor households.
Munthu wogwira ntchito
Muyezo*1. Volume. 2. Measurement
Mwanabele*Enlarged lymph node


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