Author: aznimi

  • GETTING – Chichewa to English Phrasebook

    GETTING – Chichewa to English Phrasebook


    Chonde, patse ndalama (money),*Please give me the money.
    Chonde, tenga ndalama..*Please take the money.
    Ndi tenga ndalama.*I take the money.
    Chonde, patse tikiti.*Please give me the ticket.
    Chonde, tenga tikiti.*Please take the ticket.
    Ndi tenga tikiti.*I take the ticket.
    Chonde, patse ichi (thing).*Please give me the thing.
    Chi li kuti (where)?*Where is the thing?
    Si-ndi ku dziwa*I do not know.
    Chonde, patse mamuna/mzi bambo (man)!*Please give me a man
    Zoipa. . Mkazi li ti!*Darn-t!!! What a woman!!
    A li osangalatsa!*She is intertaining

  • ASKING – Chichewa to English Phrasebook

    ASKING – Chichewa to English Phrasebook


    bukhu ndi ndalama zingati?*How much is the book?
    Ma dollar asanu(5).*Five dollars.
    Ichi ndi zi ngati?*How much is this thing?
    Zingati?*How much?
    Ma dollar anai (4).*Four dollars.
    Chi li kuti (where) ?*Where is it?
    Chi li apo.*It is there.
    Ayi, sichi li apo.*No, it is not there.
    Chimbudzi chili kuti?*Where is the toilet, please?
    Chimbudzi chili apo.*The toilet is over there.
    Chani ichi/icho ?*What is that?
    Pepani. chani?*Pardon. What?
    O. ndi bukhu la bwino (good).*Oh, it is a good book.
    U/Mu funa chani (what)?*What do you want?
    Ndi-funa (want) vinyo, chonde.*I want the wine, please.
    Pali ndani pano?*Who is here?

  • HAVING – Chichewa to English Phrasebook

    HAVING – Chichewa to English Phrasebook


    bukhu ndi ndalama zingati?*How much is the book?
    Ma dollar asanu(5).*Five dollars.
    Ichi ndi zi ngati?*How much is this thing?
    Zingati?*How much?
    Ma dollar anai (4).*Four dollars.
    Chi li kuti (where) ?*Where is it?
    Chi li apo.*It is there.
    Ayi, sichi li apo.*No, it is not there.
    Chimbudzi chili kuti?*Where is the toilet, please?
    Chimbudzi chili apo.*The toilet is over there.
    Chani ichi/icho ?*What is that?
    Pepani. chani?*Pardon. What?
    O. ndi bukhu la bwino (good).*Oh, it is a good book.
    U/Mu funa chani (what)?*What do you want?
    Ndi-funa (want) vinyo, chonde.*I want the wine, please.
    Pali ndani pano?*Who is here?

  • EVERYTHING – Chichewa to English Phrasebook

    EVERYTHING – Chichewa to English Phrasebook


    Ndi li pano.*I am here.
    U/Mu li apo.*You are there.
    Ndi konda iwe/inu.*I like you.
    U/Mu konda ndalama.*You like the money.
    A/ma chita ichi.*He does this.
    A machita icho*She does that.
    Ndi tha ku-lankhula pong’ono Chichewa!*I can speak a little Chichewa!
    Si u nga nene Ipa-ipa.*You can not say Mate?
    Ndi kumvetsa iwe/inu (you).*I understand you.
    Si mu ndi mvetsa ine (me).*You do not understand me.
    Ndi funa ku-pita ku bar (mowa).*I want to go to the bar.
    U/Mu funa ku-pita ku chimbudzi (toilet).*You want to go to the toilet.
    Ndi li ndi nthawi, yochepa chemwali*I have a little time, Miss!
    Koma muli ndi ndalama zochepa, a-bamba?*But, do you have a little money, Sir?
    Chonde, osamwa madzi ku Fransi!!*Please don’t drink the water in France!!
    Imwa vinyo.*Drink the wine.
    uli bwanji, Eliza?*How are you, Eliza?
    Ndi-li bwino, Zikomo.*I am well, thank you.
    Ndi ya/cha chi kulu?*Is it big?
    Ayi, ndi ka ka ng’ono.*No, it is small.
    Si umu dziwa mzimayi !*You do not know her!
    zoipa. A li osanagalatsa!*Darn! She is wonderful!
    Inde, tsopano, ndi li ndi mavuto asanu*Yes now, I have five problems!!!
    Ana onse!*All the children!
    Ndi chain icho?*What is that?
    Pepani. Chani?*Pardon. What?
    Iyo apo.*There it is.
    Si zo ipa.*Not bad.
    Inde, a li bwino.*Yes, it’s cool!
    Inde, a li bwino.*Yes, it’s cool! (classy)
    Inde, a li bwino.*Yes, it’s cool! (upper class)
    Chonde, u/musanene ipa-ipai.*Please do not say Mate!
    Ayi li bwino.*It is not upper class)!!!
    Ndi yenala ku-chita ichi.*I must do this.
    Mu yenala ku chita icho.*You must do that
    Inde, mu li osangalatsa.*Yes you are wonderful!
    Tsalanai bwino tsopano.*Bye bye, for now!
    Tsala, tsopano.*Bye bye, for now!
    Tsa lani bwino patsono.*Bye bye, for now!
    Tionana posachedwa!*Be seeing you soon!!

  • PRONOUNS – Chichewa to English Phrasebook

    PRONOUNS – Chichewa to English Phrasebook


    ine (I)*ndi
    iwe (you)*u
    iye (he/she)*a/mu
    ife (we)*ti/us/wo
    inu (you)*mu/ku
    iwo (they)*a/wa

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