GETTING – Chichewa to English Phrasebook
Chonde, patse ndalama (money),*Please give me the money.
Chonde, tenga ndalama..*Please take the money.
Ndi tenga ndalama.*I take the money.
Chonde, patse tikiti.*Please give me the ticket.
Chonde, tenga tikiti.*Please take the ticket.
Ndi tenga tikiti.*I take the ticket.
Chonde, patse ichi (thing).*Please give me the thing.
Chi li kuti (where)?*Where is the thing?
Si-ndi ku dziwa*I do not know.
Chonde, patse mamuna/mzi bambo (man)!*Please give me a man
Zoipa. . Mkazi li ti!*Darn-t!!! What a woman!!
A li osangalatsa!*She is intertaining