ABLE TO – Chichewa to English Phrasebook
Ndi tha (can)*I can
Kodi, ndi tha?*Can I?
Inde, ndi tha.*Yes, I can.
Kodi, mu tha ku-chita ichi (this)?*Can you do this?
Inde, ndi tha- ku-chita icho (that).*Yes, I can do that.
Ndi tha ku dya pangono (little).*I can eat a little.
Ndi tha ku-mwa pangono.*I can drink a little.
Ndi tha ku-pita (go).*I can go.
Ndi tha ku-bwera (come)*I can come.
Ndi tha ku-gona (sleep).*I can sleep.
U/Mu tha ku-lankhula (speak).*You can speak.
Kodi, u/mu tha ku-lankhula?*Can you speak?
Inde, ndi tha (can).*Yes, I can.
Kodi, mu tha ku-chita (do) icho?*Can you do this?
ayi si ndi tha ku-chita icho.*No, I can not do that.
Kodi, mu ku-mvetsa?*You can understand?
Mu ku-mvetsa?*You understand?
Inde, pangono.*Yes, a little.
Kodi, mu tha ku-nena MERT?*Can you say Mate?
Inde, ndi tha ku-lankhula pang’ono Chichewa!*Yes, I can speak a little Chichewa!
Zoipa. Ndi li okongola! Darn!*I am wonderful!
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